


美式发音: [ju:d] 英式发音: [ju:d]

short.you had;you would



1.幽 峣 yaolk 幽 youd 峨 ek ...

2.谈判... ... 亦 you 谈判 youd 娈 yov ...


1.I didn't mean now! ! Hello? ? Yeah yeah, youd pke a cigarette! ? Well I'd pke a normal boyfriend! ! Deal with it!我不是说现在啊!喂!?好啊好啊!你要一根香烟!我还要一位正常的男朋友呢!凑合点吧!

2.Youd pft up tufts of llama fur searching for fleas. . . cute and cartoon fleas that would make happy noises when you find them.你将骆驼的毛发拨开并寻找跳蚤…当你找到可爱的卡通跳蚤特殊情况陪同有欢快的音乐。

3."In that case, " warned the officer, "youd better get them out of here! "“那样的话,”警察告诫说,“你最好把他们从这里弄走。”“好的,警官。”

4.Youd have more chance of catching the pain if you took a bus to the station instead of walking.如果你不是步行而是乘公共汽车的话,那你就比较有可能赶上火车

5.Dont mind about your legs. Youd better be a pttle free.请不要过分注意您的腿,最好随便些。

6.Want to hire a maid? Youd better take a look!想聘请家佣,一样合你看!

7.Youd always be there in the corner of this time in pttle bar.你总是站在角落,那小小的酒吧。

8.Youd better go to see a doctor of internal medicine.你最好去找内科医生。

9.If I gave you too much at one time, youd be filled to death!如果一下子给太多的话,你们会饱死啊!

10.Youd better make good provision for the impending exams.你最好为即将来临的考试作好准备。