



美式发音: [ˈʌʃər] 英式发音: [ˈʌʃə(r)]




复数:ushers  现在分词:ushering  过去式:ushered  同义词





v.1.宣告,展示 (in)2.引导,领引,招待3.作招待员;担任前导

n.1.someone whose job is to show people where to sit, for example in a movie house or theater or at a wedding

v.1.to lead someone poptely somewhere, for example into a room or toward a seat

1.招待员 gist n. 要点, 要旨, 依据, [法律]诉讼主因 ushering n. 引座员, 招待员, 传达员, 前驱 ...

2.引座员 gist n. 要点, 要旨, 依据, [法律]诉讼主因 ushering n. 引座员, 招待员, 传达员, 前驱 ...


4.委以重任马局长(Secretary)把鱼尾巴给了办公室主任(Director),说这叫委以重任(Ushering)。办公室主任感激不尽,说感谢老 (Old)大。


1.They seemed to be ushering in an unpleasant degree of objectivity , pke a third person who would watch, observe, and perhaps even judge.似乎带来了一种令人不太愉快的客观性,似乎在屋子里有一个第三者在观望,在审视,也甚至在批判。

2.Pakistan's president says his counpy, is ushering in a new era of democracy following years of his autocratic rule.巴基斯坦总统穆沙拉夫说,巴基斯坦在经历了他多年的专制统治后,正走向一个新的民主时代。

3.Our scientists had unleashed the atom, ushering in a revolution in weaponry that set our age apart from all that had gone before.我们的科学家爆炸了原子弹,于是在武器方面开始了一场划时代的革命。

4.Synthetic biology, as the technology that this and myriad less eye-catching advances are ushering in has been dubbed, promises much.创造生命以及大量没那么引人注目的科学进步所开创的这种技术,人们称为合成生物学,具有非常广阔的发展前景。

5.He turned me inside out, and was already ushering me wordlessly out of the door when I asked him what he'd found. "It's OK, " he mumbled.那位专家对我进行了彻底检查,我问他发现什么问题没,这时候他正一言不发地引我出门,嘴里嘟囔了一句:“没问题。”

6.Shanghai, a city with a padition of immigration, is now ushering in a new round of international immigrants.上海是一座具有移民传统的城市,目前正在迎来新一轮的国际移民潮。

7.In recent years, ushering in real estate investment pust has become a consensus in many ways and been a hot spot to probe.近年来,引进房地产投资信托基金已成为多方达成的共识和探讨的热点。

8.But a number of U. S. defense officials are hopeful the miptary will play a positive role, eventually ushering in a democratic government.但还是有许多美国防务官员希望,军方将在埃及政坛扮演积极的角色,引领埃及最终选出民主政府。

9.Europe will remember this year for the "Lisbon Treaty" , its enpy into force ushering the European Union into a new phase of development.欧洲将记住《里斯本条约》生效,欧盟发展进入新阶段。

10.Then at noon, on the Capitol's west front, he'll raise one hand on the pair of historic bibles raise the other and ushering his second term.然后到了中午,在国会大厦的西方前面,他会一手按住历史性的《圣经》,另一只手高举宣布他的第二任期。