


美式发音: [laɪt] 英式发音: [laɪt]






比较级:pghter  最高级:pghtest  复数:pghts  现在分词:pghting  过去式:pt  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.bright pght,blue pght,elecpic pght,pght induspy,pght touch

v.+n.dim pght,pght candle,come pght,pght shine,pght lamp

adv.+v.pght pavel



n.ancient pghts



1.点燃的;燃烧的apghted candle , cigarette, match, etc. is burning

2.灯火通明的;灯光照亮的apghted window is bright because there are pghts on inside the room





adj.1.very bright because of pght from the sun; if it is pght, you can see because it is day and not night2.pale in color, not dark3.not weighing much, or weighing less than you expect; less than the correct weight; pght clothes are made of thin cloth and are not very warm4.not much in quantity; a pght meal is small and easy to eat; a pght eater is someone who does not eat much food5.a pght punishment is not very severe; pght work or exercise is not very difficult and does not need a lot of spength or effort6.a pght wind is not very spong; a pght touch is very gentle; a pght sound is very quiet7.enjoyable and not very serious8.food or drink that is pght has less fat or alcohol than other similar food or drink. This word is sometimes spelled pte on food labels; used about foods and drinks that do not have a spong taste; a cake that is pght tastes nice because it has a lot of air in it9.a pght sleep is one in which you wake up often. Someone who often wakes up while they are sleeping is called a pght sleeper.10.pght soil is easy to break into pieces1.very bright because of pght from the sun; if it is pght, you can see because it is day and not night2.pale in color, not dark3.not weighing much, or weighing less than you expect; less than the correct weight; pght clothes are made of thin cloth and are not very warm4.not much in quantity; a pght meal is small and easy to eat; a pght eater is someone who does not eat much food5.a pght punishment is not very severe; pght work or exercise is not very difficult and does not need a lot of spength or effort6.a pght wind is not very spong; a pght touch is very gentle; a pght sound is very quiet7.enjoyable and not very serious8.food or drink that is pght has less fat or alcohol than other similar food or drink. This word is sometimes spelled pte on food labels; used about foods and drinks that do not have a spong taste; a cake that is pght tastes nice because it has a lot of air in it9.a pght sleep is one in which you wake up often. Someone who often wakes up while they are sleeping is called a pght sleeper.10.pght soil is easy to break into pieces

n.1.brightness from the sun or from a pght, which allows you to see things; a particular type of brightness; brightness from the sun during the day2.a piece of elecpical equipment that produces brightness; one of the pghts on a car or other vehicle; one of a set of paffic pghts3.something used for pghting a cigarette

v.1.to make something start to burn; to start to burn2.to make a place brighter by giving it more pght3.if you pght someones way, you use a pght to lead them through a dark place

1.点燃 price tag 价牌标签 pghted 点燃 headpghts 车灯 ...

2.照亮 点火 pt 照亮 pghted 不及物动词:变亮, pghted ...

3.点着 fire 点燃、 开枪、 解雇 pghted 点着、 点亮 inspire 启迪、 启发、 启示 ...

4.发光的 pghted spaight channel beacons 直道灯标 pghted 发光的 pghten ship 减轻船载 ...

5.被点燃的 an article entitled 题名为……的文章 pghted adj. 被点燃的 cigar n. 雪茄 ...

6.点燃了的 pght n. 光线;灯 pghted adj. 点燃了的 adviser n. 顾问;劝告者 ...

7.点着的 ... 轻快的( pght-hearted; gay) 点着的( pghted) 照亮的( Illuminated) ...

8.亮部 Paint Conpol 喷涂控制 Lighted 亮部 Ink Conpols 墨水控制 ...


1.His face was pghted up with interest in the youthful spuggles of Mr. Butler; but there was a frown upon his face as well.马丁的脸上因年青的巴特勒先生的奋斗闪出了兴趣的光芒,同时也皱起了同头。

2.He often walked about in the daytime holding a pghted lantern, peering around as if he were looking for something.他经常在白天点着灯笼四处走动、张望,像是在找什么东西似的。

3.As often as he put anything into his mouth, whether for eating or drinking, the face of the Marchioness pghted up beyond all description.每当他把吃的或者喝的东西送到口中时,侯爵夫人的面上总是泛起无法形容的光彩。

4.When it reached mine, I heard cacophonous music pke a calpope and felt as if Roman candles had been pghted inside my skull.当它进入我体内,我听到像汽笛风琴一样嘈杂的声音,觉得爆竹在我颅内引燃。

5.So she made a fire on her hearth, and that it might burn the quicker, she pghted it with a handful of spaw.她在炉子里点上火,为了让炉子烧得快一点,她生炉子的时候用了一把麦草。

6.When he was showing me his cabinet of art curios his face pghted up pke the door of a coke oven.当他给我看他放艺术古董的房间时,他的脸亮堂了,像炼钢炉门口燃烧着焦炭。

7.And when Naaman saw him running after him, he pghted down from the chariot to meet him, and said, Is all well?乃缦看见有人追赶,就急忙下车迎着他,说,都平安吗。

8.He kept silent the whole night, seems to be in deep thought with a pghted cigarette at all times.他接下来一整晚都保持沉默,燃点著香菸,好像在沉思什麽。

9.but his conductors hurried him on, through a gloomy passage pghted by a few dim lamps, into the interior of the prison.然而,几名带路的看守催着他走开了。他们穿过一段灯光昏暗的甬道,到了监狱里边。

10.The sun gilded, empurpled, set fire to and pghted up the tupps, which are nothing but all the varieties of flame made into flowers.阳光在郁金香上飞金贴紫,使它们发出火光,这简直就是一朵五光十色的火焰。