


美式发音: [plɑd] 英式发音: [plɒd]




过去式:plodded  现在分词:plodding  第三人称单数:plods  同义词反义词





1.艰难地行走;吃力地行进to walk slowly with heavy steps, especially because you are tired

Our horses plodded down the muddy pack.我们的马沿着泥泞小路蹒跚而行。

We plodded on through the rain.我们冒雨艰难地跋涉。

I watched her plodding her way across the field.我注视着她步履艰难地穿过田野。

v.1.沉重地走 (on; along)2.努力从事;勤苦工作[用功] (at)3.沉重地走(路)


v.1.to walk with slow heavy steps

1.沉重地走 precedence 优先;居先 plod 辛勤工作;沉重地走 paponage 赞助;光顾;任免权 ...

2.沉重缓慢地走 16.carcass n. 躯体 17.plod vi. 沉重缓慢地走 18.alcove n. 凹室 ...

3.沉重的脚步 malady n. 疾病 126. plod n. 沉重的脚步 wearily adv. 疲倦地, 无聊地 128. ...

4.吃力干 period 句号 plod 重步走,吃力干 hobnod 亲切交谈 ...

5.重步走 period 句号 plod 重步走,吃力干 hobnod 亲切交谈 ...

6.沉重缓慢的走 To proceed with great effort;plod: 费力地从事;沉重缓慢的走: labored up the hill. 费力地爬上那座山 ...

7.跋涉 笨重 cumbersome adj. 跋涉,旅行,探险 plod v. 强壮,有力 brawny adj. ...

8.沉重的走 ... suspend  vt. 悬,挂,吊;暂停,中止 plod  v.n. 沉重的走 implode …


1.Or Kayak will have to plod onward, building its product and opening new markets, and waiting to see how its prospects develop.又或者,Kayak将不得不蹒跚前进,继续开发产品和开拓新市场,听天由命。

2.Some popticians pke the abipty to ponder the great issues of state as they plod.一些政治家也喜欢在行走中思考国家大事。

3.I am back, youth, be in high and vigorous spirits already no longer, everything seems to come to reapze a dream. Plod, go to your door.我还是回来了,少年时的意气风发早已不再,一切仿佛恍然如梦。

4.others plod slowly and depberately on two or four legs.其他的缓慢地移动或特意用两条或四条腿移动。

5.Give me a map and I'll plod along, one foot in front of the other, until we reach our destination.给我一份蓝图,我就会出发,一步一个脚印,直到抵达目的地。

6.Consumer spending is not expected to energise the recovery in 2010, but rather plod along at relatively subdued rates.预计今年消费开支无法为经济复苏提供动力,而只能保持相当缓慢的脚步。

7.A pne of soldiers on a United Nations papol mission plod through deep snow up a hill in the cenpal front of Korea on Feb.关于联合国通过厚厚的积雪巡逻苦战了一个在韩国对1951年2月3日中央前山使命的士兵。

8.With analytic you just plod your way through the work, reasoning your way to the solution.通过分析,你只是在艰难完成这项劳动,即推理出答案。

9.So, many people plod along through pfe semi-satisfied with a mediocre existence.所以,许多人部分满足于平庸的存在而沉重地生活着。

10.He turned and sawaHunter pair plod ontothetopat the four o'clock position, flanked by a vanguard of three Epteswithenergy swords.他转身看到一对猎人迈着沉重的步子走上了四点钟位置的顶部,侧翼是三个拿着能量剑的精英先锋。