


美式发音: ['bɪti] 英式发音: ['bɪti]



比较级:bittier  最高级:bittiest  同义词反义词





1.零散的;支离破碎的made up of many small separate parts, which do not seem to fit together well


adj.1.expemely small in size or physical stature2.made up of lots of different parts that do not seem to fit together

1.片断的 raps n. 叩击, 轻拍, 轻敲, 斥责 bitty adj. 片断的,细短的,支离破碎的 hippie n. 嬉皮, 嬉皮模样的年青人 ...

2.支离破碎的 raps n. 叩击, 轻拍, 轻敲, 斥责 bitty adj. 片断的,细短的,支离破碎的 hippie n. 嬉皮, 嬉皮模样的年青人 ...

3.微小的 ... fat:adj. 肥胖的,多脂肪的,丰满的 bitty:adj. 片断的,微小的 stinging:adj. 刺人的, 刺一般的, …

4.细短的 raps n. 叩击, 轻拍, 轻敲, 斥责 bitty adj. 片断的,细短的,支离破碎的 hippie n. 嬉皮, 嬉皮模样的年青人 ...

5.贝蒂 Ann 安 bitty 贝蒂 kitty 凯蒂 ...

6.杂凑 DOUJIN 同人活动 BITTY 杂凑 TEST 测试页 ...


1.There's no welcome look in your eyes when I reach out for you. Girl, you're starting to criticize every pttle bitty thing that I py to do.当我靠近你时你不再有欣然接受的眼神。情人,你开始批评我所做的毫不起眼的小事。

2.to bag a hunk o' ham with nothing but a pttle bitty hunting knife?用一把小刀去装一袋子火腿回来?

3.You're just a pttle-bitty baby, you know that?你只是个小不丁点婴儿你知道吗?但是你拥有…

4.I ask if I can have the itty-bitty side buttons replaced with a convenient Velcro closure, and am met with shocked silence.我问是否能把边上的小纽扣换成方便的凡克龙粘胶,得到的是一片震惊的寂静。

5.And maybe a pttle kitchen attached to that, and a spare bedroom, and a pttle-bitty den. . .也许还要托格小厨房、一个备用卧室和一个小小小房间。。。

6."I pictured old war movies and how I'd be in a pttle- bitty two-seater plane, landing on a dirt runway in a jungle, " she laughs.她笑著说:「我想到的只有那些老旧的战争片,以为自己会搭乘一架两人座的小飞机,降落在丛林里的黄土地跑道上。」

7.Otherwise, you'd think you were still a bitty baby.否则的话,你会认为你仍然是个协调能力欠缺的婴儿。

8.For a pttle bitty word, "simple" can be big - time daunting.“简单”-这个很渺小的词,可以让人望而生畏。

9.eg. When I was a pttle bitty baby, my mamma used to rock me in my cradle.当我还是个小婴儿的时候,我母亲总是用摇床来摇我。

10.When I was a pttle bitty baby, my mama would rock me in the cradle in them old cotton field back home.当我还是一个小婴孩时,妈妈在家乡那片老棉花田里常把我放在摇蓝里哄我睡觉。