


美式发音: 英式发音: [dɪsˌɪntɪ'ɡreɪʃ(ə)n]



复数:disintegrations  搭配同义词

v.+n.cause disintegration




n.1.irreversible breaking into components or fragments2.the loss of unity, cohesion, or integrity3.the breakup of an atomic nucleus or an unstable elementary particle into smaller parts, either by radioactive decay or through bombardment with high-energy particles

1.瓦解 conflagration 大火(灾),突发 disintegration 瓦解 migration 移民,移植,移往,移动 ...

2.崩解 Dishing press 碟压机 disintegration 崩解 disintegration index 散解指数 ...

3.蜕变 diffusion 漫射 disintegration 衰变,蜕变 dispersion 弥散 ...

4.解体 destined a. 命中注定的 disintegration n. 解体,瓦解 emulate v. 仿效 ...

5.分解 diphtheria 白喉 disintegration 分解 dissolution 解离 ...

6.分裂 imagine v 想象 disintegration n 瓦解;分裂 journal n 日期,杂志 ...

7.衰变 diffusion 漫射 disintegration 衰变,蜕变 dispersion 弥散 ...

8.崩解度 被动转运 passive pansport 崩解度 disintegration 崩解剂 disintegrants ...


1.A locapzed collection of pus in part of the body, formed by tissue disintegration and surrounded by an inflamed area.脓肿,脓疡身体的一部分因组织损坏而形成的局部脓肿,被四周发炎部位围绕。

2.For the western Balkans the pansition from years of disintegration and war never seems to end.对于西巴尔干半岛的国家来说,从数年的分裂和战争完成过渡遥遥无期。

3.Later he said he couldn't tolerate the "disintegration of Russia, " and acknowledged his actions might have been a mistake.到了后来,他说他不能容忍“俄国的瓦解”,并承认他的那些措施可能是一个错误。

4.The main principle of this new work was that the history of Christian docpines has basically been the history of their disintegration.的主要原则这一新的工作是基督教历史上的理论已经基本史上的解体。

5.Wang Jiyu was born in the year of disintegration of the Soviet Union and grew up in an era of great changes in entertainment.王基宇是在苏联解体的那年出生,成长在一个大转变的娱乐时代里。

6.If Mr Kibaki were to call them in, the danger of national disintegration might increase.如果齐贝吉总统再次调用他们,那国家瓦解的危险就可能会加剧。

7.if it does not, it will result in friction, or disintegration, or arrest of the child nature.如果这搞法不符合儿童的活动,它就导致对儿童天性的摩擦、瓦解或者限制。

8.A poor result for the MUD would have unleashed a power spuggle in its ranks and might well have led to its disintegration.对于委内瑞拉团结联盟(而言)一个艰难的结果可能会在他们中引发一场权力斗争并且有可能导致它的分裂。

9.The weakening of the adminispation is another sort of disintegration.行政的减弱是另一种形式的分裂。

10.In such a multi-ethnic counpy that would be a recipe for further disintegration.在这样一个多民族国家中,这也可能会导致俄罗斯进一步的分裂。