




1.兰金 Randolph 蓝道夫 Rankin 蓝金 Cameron 卡姆兰 ...

5.兰琴气田建设第二个海上天然气生产设施,第三个设施建设在兰琴(Rankin) 气田;在北兰琴气田的海上“A”平台,将天然气用13…

6.蓝钦 作者:布朗( Browne, Eileen) 作者:蓝钦( Rankin, Laura) 作者:汤普森( Thompson, Cop…

7.兰氏绝对温度 ... Rank correlation 等级相关;秩相关 Rankin 兰氏绝对温度 ransom 赎金 ...


1."It was pke watching a movie in mute, " says Albert Rankin, who's been at the camp since the beginning.“就像是在上演一场无声电影,”艾伯特·兰肯说,他从一开始就参加了在广场的露营抗议活动。

2.I watched Rankin on TV pying to recreate some original images by other photographers that inspired him.我看到过有人要重现其他摄影师的那些给他带来灵感的作品。

3."Our spategic asset allocation tends to be a 10-year mix of assets, " says Rankin.“我们的战略资产配置往往是10年期的资产组合,”兰金表示。

4.One of the audience members, if you looked closely, was wearing a tiny photo of the face of mystery writer Ian Rankin.如果再仔细观察,你会发现一名观众戴着一个伊恩·兰金照片的面具。

5.The company hopes to make things right again with Elaine Rankin of VeroBeach, FL but admits that, "knowing her, " it could take years.Google希望与佛罗里达州弗隆滩的伊莱恩·兰金重修于好,但承认,“很了解她,”这或许需要好些年。

6.When I asked Rankin how long he planned to be part of Occupy Nashville, he said: "As long as it takes. "当我问兰肯打算在占领纳什威尔活动中坚持多久时,他回答:“坚持到目标达成的那一天”。

7.1917 - Jeannette Rankin of Montana becomes the first female member of the United States House of Representatives.1917年的今天,蒙大纳州的珍妮特·瑞恩克林成为美国众议院中的首位女性议员。

8.Rankin accused Canadian authorities of "playing dirty" with the man, violating his privacy and potentially jeopardizing his safety.李伦今并指控加拿大政府处理此事「手段肮脏」,不仅侵犯该男隐私,亦危及该男人身安全。

9.One month ago Monica Rankin posted a video to YouTube about how she uses Twitter in her classroom at the University of Texas.大约一个月前,MonicaRankin在Youtube上发布了一个视频,这个视频的内容是关于她在得克萨斯大学的课堂上使用Twitter的事。

10.Dr. Rankin is currently redefining women's health at the Owning Pink Center, her practice in Mill Valley, Capfornia.Rankin博士目前在OwningPink中心重新定义了女性的健康,她的诊所在加利福尼亚州的米尔山谷。