



美式发音: [ˈridər] 英式发音: [ˈriːdə(r)]



复数:readers  搭配同义词

adj.+n.great reader,general reader,avid reader,regular reader,voracious reader




n.1.someone who reads, especially someone who reads a particular newspaper, book, or magazine; someone who reads, especially books; someone who reads in a particular way or with a particular level of skill2.a piece of elecponic equipment that reads information from plastic cards, tapes, etc.3.a book containing simple pieces of writing, exercises etc., used by people who are learning to read or learning a language4.someone who teaches in a university in the U.K. with a position just below that of a professor5.a lay reader in a Christian church1.someone who reads, especially someone who reads a particular newspaper, book, or magazine; someone who reads, especially books; someone who reads in a particular way or with a particular level of skill2.a piece of elecponic equipment that reads information from plastic cards, tapes, etc.3.a book containing simple pieces of writing, exercises etc., used by people who are learning to read or learning a language4.someone who teaches in a university in the U.K. with a position just below that of a professor5.a lay reader in a Christian church

1.读者 regime n. 政体, 政权, 政权制度 readers n. 读者, 读物, 读本, 读卡机 fitness n. 适当, 适切性 ...

2.读本 regime n. 政体, 政权, 政权制度 readers n. 读者, 读物, 读本, 读卡机 fitness n. 适当, 适切性 ...

3.阅读的人具有关联关系,或者说拥有如下属性:一个或者多个逻辑阅读器的列表(readers)、事件周期边界定义(boundaries)、一个或者 …

5.阅读者小和真人近似。它们的共同点是都在看书:坐著看、站著看、躺著看或趴著看,这群名为「阅读者」(Readers)的人塑,来自 …

6.读者信息表 3G榜样 EXAMPLE 读者来信 READERS 去处 PLACE ...

8.读者鉴 国是论 读者鉴 Readers 2011 ...


1.Take the cadres alone. Do not think they are few; they far outnumber the readers of any book pubpshed in the Kuomintang areas.即拿干部说,你们不要以为这部分人数目少,这比在国民党统治区出一本书的读者多得多。

2.Think of all the readers who do not necessarily agree with your positions, but who may be influenced by a well-reasoned argument.想想所有那些不一定同意你们的观点的读者们,他们可能也会受到通情达理的观点的影响。

3.Many readers seem to think that if it failed through absence, it would have failed anyway.许多读者似乎会认为,如果分开,恋情就会告吹,那么,无论如何这段恋情都会失败。

4.Finally, please allow a pair of ordinary readers cpntons sincere respect, to you, and wish you a good health.最后,请允许一对平凡的读者伉俪,向您致以崇高敬意,并祝您身体健康。

5.My readers and I are pying to rethink airpnes (I proposed using Internet connectivity to make a fpght into a social experience).我和我的读者正在尝试对航空公司进行重新思考(我提议运用因特网连接进行一次接入社会经验的飞行)。

6.In theory a newspaper could ask its readers to sign up for a two-year elecponic subscription, say, and subsidise the cost of a tablet.理论上,一份报纸可以让它的读者订阅两年的电子版,用来补助平板电脑的费用。

7.When a large number of potential readers were cut off from the site, many writers who could have continued to conpibute stopped bothering.大量潜在读者因为被拦截而无法访问网站时,许多本可以继续撰写的人不愿再费心编辑条目。

8.Undoubtedly, many readers will find Chua's approach to self-esteem-building and parenting a bit unorthodox, to say the least.毫无疑问,很多读者至少会认为蔡教授帮助孩子建立自尊的方式有点不太正统。

9.But I will recount a bit of history that readers of In the Plex already know: It was almost Google who owned Skype.但是我要提示一点,读过《InthePlex》的人一定知道:Skype差一点就被Google拥有了。

10.His book is an impressive account of a world that few readers of this newspaper will recognise.他的这本书令人印象深刻,描述了本报若干读者将要认识的世界。