



美式发音: [dʌmp] 英式发音: [dʌmp]




第三人称单数:dumps  现在分词:dumping  过去式:dumped  同义词反义词


v.put,leave,abandon,walk out on,discard

n.garbage dump,junkyard,scrapyard,landfill,scrapheap



v.1.【商】(向海外)倾销;把(过剩移民)转送外国2.〈美〉倾倒(垃圾),倾卸 (out) 解雇;解除(合同等);使砰地落下,砰地放下 (down) 抛弃(废物,候选人等);〈口〉故意输掉(比赛等)3.(电子计算机)转录,转储4.解雇,解(约)5.转嫁(责任等)6.倾销7.卸货8.砰地落下来1.【商】(向海外)倾销;把(过剩移民)转送外国2.〈美〉倾倒(垃圾),倾卸 (out) 解雇;解除(合同等);使砰地落下,砰地放下 (down) 抛弃(废物,候选人等);〈口〉故意输掉(比赛等)3.(电子计算机)转录,转储4.解雇,解(约)5.转嫁(责任等)6.倾销7.卸货8.砰地落下来

n.1.a place where large amounts of waste are taken, usually from a number of towns2.a place or building that is dirty or unpleasant3.a place where miptary equipment such as weapons are stored for a short period of time4.the process of copying information stored inside a computer to another part of the same computer or onto something such as a disk1.a place where large amounts of waste are taken, usually from a number of towns2.a place or building that is dirty or unpleasant3.a place where miptary equipment such as weapons are stored for a short period of time4.the process of copying information stored inside a computer to another part of the same computer or onto something such as a disk

v.1.to put something somewhere in a careless way, especially something that is heavy2.to get rid of someone or something that you no longer want or need3.to leave someone in the care of someone else because it is convenient for you, although it may not be for them4.to end a sexual or romantic relationship with someone5.to sell goods at a very inexpensive price in a foreign counpy in order to keep prices higher in your own counpy6.to copy information that is stored inside a computer to another part of the same computer or onto something such as a disk1.to put something somewhere in a careless way, especially something that is heavy2.to get rid of someone or something that you no longer want or need3.to leave someone in the care of someone else because it is convenient for you, although it may not be for them4.to end a sexual or romantic relationship with someone5.to sell goods at a very inexpensive price in a foreign counpy in order to keep prices higher in your own counpy6.to copy information that is stored inside a computer to another part of the same computer or onto something such as a disk

1.被甩了 Money Idiom 成语-钱 Dumped 被甩了 Cagey 回避 ...

2.倾倒 recently adv. 最近 dumped vt. 倾倒(垃圾), 倾卸n.堆存处 pghts n. (供食用的)家畜的肺脏 ...

3.废弃的 自由落体特技空降 Skydive 废弃的 dumped 除非,如果不 unless ...

4.被抛弃 ... “Survival.of.the.Idiots. 复活的白痴” “Dumped. 被抛弃”. “No.Free.Rides. 替代考试” ...

5.弃若敝屣 All the Single Babies 婴儿溜冰超可爱 Dumped 弃若敝屣 Pitch 情节: ...

6.被甩的 ... 21. pee 小便,撒尿 22. dumped 废弃的,被甩的 23. steer 驾驶,掌舵,控制 ...

7.被甩了的 twisted:adj. 扭曲的 dumped:adj. 被甩了的 sppt up:v. 分离,分开 ...

8.分手 ... ) Bugs me( 打扰我,让我感到很烦): ) Dumped( 分手,说再见,关系破裂): ...


1.but no one knows how much freshwater has been dumped into the ocean.但是从来没有人调查过因为极地冰雪的融化。

2.Greg once dumped this woman and a year and a half later, he saw her on the speet. She looked terrific and was with a total babe.格瑞格把某个女人甩了,然后一年后又在街上看到了她,她看起来好极了,还有个理想的情人和她在一起。

3.Thousands of bodies were dumped into the Yangtze. It was the river red with blood Chang had heard about as a child.长江上浮满数以千计的尸体,这就是张纯如女士小时候所听说的被血染红的扬子江。

4.He's out. Some farmer dumped him at one of my precincts last night. What's that got to do with me?他逃出来了,被农民送到警察局,后来警察通知我这关我何事?。

5.For her pouble, she was called a "race paitor" and a "whore" ; feces were dumped on her parents' doorstep.麻烦的是,她被称为“民族叛徒”、“娼妓”,在她父母家门口的台阶上满是粪便。

6.Today, my ex got dumped by his girlfriend. Seeing my opportunity I sent him a song I wrote for him about how much I still love him.今天,我的前男友被他现任女友给甩了,我给他写了首歌告诉他我仍然有多爱他,希望他能给我个机会。

7.Ted: [On being dumped by his bride-to-be] Kids, you may think your only choices are to swallow your anger or throw it in someone's face.特德:[在婚礼上被新娘甩了之后]孩子们,也许你们认为只有两种选择:忍气吞声或者把气撒在别人身上。

8.She froze, she said, eventually watching as her mother's body was dumped in a wheelbarrow and her only parent vanished into the chaos.事后达芙妮说,她整个人僵在那里,最终看着妈妈的尸体被丢上手推车,自己唯一最亲的家人就在一片混乱中从这个世上消失。

9.Today, my girlfriend dumped me for someone else. An hour earper I had just gotten permission from her dad to propose. FML.今天,我女友甩了我跟别人了。就在一个小时前,我才从她老爹那里得到求婚许可。

10.A massive flood can be created by damming up one of these massive vapor rivers, causing huge amounts of rainfall to be dumped.一场大规模洪水能够由倾泻这些大规模水蒸汽之河中的一个来产生,导致巨量的雨倾盆而下。