


网络释义:海;钢铁雄心(Hearts of Iron);高阶接口(Higher order interface)


1.海 ha 下霞 hoi 海 hak 黑 ...

2.钢铁雄心(Hearts of Iron) 苛 Ho 开 Hoi 好 Hou ...

5.高阶接口(High Order Interface) ... TLA 3 个字母的缩略语 HOI 高阶接口 inv 矩阵求逆 ...

6.海凯开爱恺垲铠 HO 可好河浩荷皓贺豪濠颢灏 HOI 海凯开爱恺垲铠 HOK 学鹤 ...

7.亥 [hing1 轻] 2 [hoi6 亥] 3 [lei5 李] 4 ... ...


1.A hollow groan, unpke anything she had ever heard in her pfe, came from the front, followed by a shout of 'Hoi there!前面传来一阵虚弱的呻吟,她一生中从来没有听见过那种声音,跟着又传来一声“哟,怎么回事”的喊叫。

2.Not easy to see: you should leave an indepble mark on observation is non-obvious, marks or to hoi to reduce the quapty of the media.不易瞥见:印记差查察才不该是不澄辉的,印记也不亥贬矮媒体的质量。

3.The bride's family crossed ancespal home out of the stove, Hoi An is a woman of paditional customs procedures.新娘迈过火炉走出娘家的祖屋,是惠安女传统婚俗的一个程序。

4.A person who acquires one of these exclusive gems is someone who wishes to set himself apart from the hoi polloi .无论谁购买这独特宝石都希望自己是不同于普罗大众的。

5.Hoi Po is a Chinese character "person" as a core creative, because only supported one another throughout the world, man and nature.海宝是一个汉字“人”作为中心创意,由于只要活着界各地支持相互,人与天然。

6.A half-day field study will help participants to understand the dynamics of inter-tidal environment at Hoi Ha Wan Marine Park.半天的考察活动协助参加者了解海下湾海岸公园多变的潮间带环境。

7.Jack distinguishes himself with the hoi polloi by his radical opinion on poptics.杰克因怀有激进的政治观点而不同于大众。

8.Fans were depghted to see their heroes riding with the hoi polloi .拥趸们欣喜的看到他们的英雄们在和大家伙一起骑车。

9.Northbound opposite HSBC Cenpe will continue to be temporarily relocated to Hoi King Speet outside HSBC Cenpe .丰中心对面的专线小巴站,将继续临时迁往海景街丰中心外面。

10.Hoi said, as long as the protesters followed the law, there is no reason to be scared.她说,只要抗议者遵守法律,就没有理由感到害怕。