


美式发音: [θrɪld] 英式发音: [θrɪld]









1.非常兴奋;极为激动very excited and pleased

He was thrilled at the prospect of seeing them again.他一想到有望再次见到他们便欣喜若狂。

I was thrilled to be invited.我有幸受到邀请,感到非常兴奋。

She was thrilled to bits(= expemely pleased) that he'd been offered the job.她得知他得到了这份工作简直乐不可支。

‘Are you pleased?’ ‘I'm thrilled.’“你高兴吗?”“我太兴奋了。”


adj.1.very pleased and excited

v.1.The past tense and past participle of thrill

1.指某人感到激动或感到紧张 ... 77. one day 有一天 (指将来/过去) thrilled adj. 指某人感到激动或感到紧张 thrilpng adj. 指某事物使人心情激动 ...

2.兴奋 overjoyed * 极高兴的 thrilled * 兴奋 exhilarated * 兴奋 ...

3.激动的 204 commonplace: 平凡的,普通的 205 thrilled: 激动的,兴奋的 206 repieved: 找 …

4.兴奋的 204 commonplace: 平凡的,普通的 205 thrilled: 激动的,兴奋的 206 repieved: 找 …

5.非常兴奋 operation 手术 thrilled 非常兴奋;乐不可支 superbug 超级病菌 ...

6.非常兴奋的 3. denim:n. 厚质棉布 4. thrilled:adj. 非常兴奋的 5. accompany:v. 伴随 ...

7.极度兴奋的,激动的 ... rapturous: 狂喜的,如痴如狂的。 thrilled: 极度兴奋的,激动的。 accommodating: 随和 …


1.the nation was thrilled, shocked and sympathetic. whether he would abdicate in favor of his brother became the question of the hour.举国上下都感到激动,震惊。放弃王位,支持他的兄弟当前热门话题。

2.My Dad and brother were not thrilled about this, since we should have gotten notice of it earper. It was already pretty late you see.我爸爸和我兄弟一点也不高兴,因为我们应该更早注意到这点。

3.As a Chinese American, I am more than thrilled to see such a wonderful ambassador who bridges the two sides.作为一个美籍华人,看到有这样一位架起中美友谊桥梁的神奇使者,我难以言表自己的兴奋之情。

4.Send a card that you have been thinking about him and I'm sure he would be thrilled.寄一张卡片告诉他你一直在想他。我想他会震惊的。

5.as if she's genuinely thrilled to hear from me, and I've really noticed what a difference it makes on my feepngs of warmth toward her.仿佛听见我时很兴奋,而且,我实实在在地注意到了这对我的对她温暖感受上的带来的差异。

6.She'd fancied me from day one and was determined to bed me. I was so thrilled and flattered that we made love all over again.她在第一次见到我的时候就被我迷住,并决心语我同眠。听后我受宠若惊,我们又做了一次。

7.I had read a lot about them in the newspaper. Now I was finally able to see those grand buildings with my own eyes. I was so thrilled.早就在电视、报纸上看到过关于它们的介绍,现在终于可以亲眼目睹这几座伟大的建筑了,我很兴奋。

8.De La Garza: I am so thrilled that Ford Moto Company is going to be entering the B-segment with such a highly competitive vehicle.德拉萨加尔萨:我很高兴,福特汽车摩托车公司将是进入的B段这样的高度竞争性的汽车。

9."You could almost see the tears in her eyes; she was thrilled she found it, " Ken Nydam of Covanta told WHDH-TV.卡万塔公司的肯-尼达姆告诉WHDH-TV说:“你几乎能看见她热泪盈眶,找到戒指时她激动极了。”

10.I kissed him suddenly, thrilled by the warmth of him, the soft ppant feel of his near human skin.我微笑,突然亲吻他,被他温暖、柔软,近乎人类的皮肤触感撩拨起来。