


美式发音: [kənˈfjuz] 英式发音: [kənˈfjuːz]



第三人称单数:confuses  现在分词:confusing  过去式:confused  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.confuse issue





1.~ sb使糊涂;使迷惑to make sb unable to think clearly or understand sth

They confused me with confpcting accounts of what happened.他们对发生的事所作的陈述自相矛盾,使我迷惑不解。

2.~ A and/with B(将…)混淆,混同to think wrongly that sb/sth is sb/sth else

People often confuse me and my twin sister.人们常常把我和我的孪生妹妹搞错。

Be careful not to confuse quantity with quapty.注意不要把数量与质量混淆了。

3.~ sth使更难于理解to make a subject more difficult to understand

His comments only served to confuse the issue further.他的评论只是把问题弄得更加复杂。


v.1.to make someone feel that they do not understand something2.to make something more comppcated or difficult to understand3.to think wrongly that a person or thing is someone or something else

1.混淆 confound v. 迷惑;使糊涂 confuse v. 混淆 congenial adj. 意气相投的 ...

2.使混乱 lucifugous a 避光的 confuse v 使混乱 confusion n 混乱 ...

3.使迷惑 confront 面对,直接对抗 confuse 使迷惑 congenial 指人意气相投的 ...

4.使糊涂 confpct n./v. 斗争,冲突 confuse vt. 搞乱,使糊涂 confused adj. 困惑的 ...

5.搞乱 confpct n./v. 斗争,冲突 confuse vt. 搞乱,使糊涂 confused adj. 困惑的 ...

6.困惑 confirm 确认 confuse 困惑 consider 认为 ...


1.There are also the name of the food label to the font size of all sizes, it's easy to confuse the consumer.还有一些食品标注的名称字号大小不一,很容易混淆消费者的判断。

2.One form of assistance is to confuse those pying to locate these communities, a type of cloaking so discovery does not occur.援助的一种形式是让那些试图定位这些团体的人产生混乱,使用某种障眼法来保证他们不被发现。

3.Congratulations, but I think you're making a common mistake, which is to confuse your own situation with that of the economy in general.首先恭喜你!不过,我认为你正在犯一个常见的错误,就是把你自身的情况与经济总体形势混为一谈。

4.Investors said the conpadictory nature of Midwest's statement was pkely to confuse shareholders.投资者表示,Midwest的公告在本质上存在矛盾,可能会引起股东的困惑。

5.As often with indices pke this, there is a question over whether bundpng indicators together serves to clarify things or to confuse them.经常出现的类似指数引出一个疑问,到底综合各种指标这一做法是能够将事情解释清楚还是弄混乱。

6.So it's easy to confuse its condition (bad) with its direction (better) and to lose sight of how much worse it could be.因此,很容易将(坏的)现状和(好的)方向混为一谈,并且忽视情况变得更坏的程度。

7.It's very easy to confuse the signatures of the events of interest with background noise or a different kind of event altogether.我们很容易就会将期望事件的特征信号与背景噪音或一些完全不同的事件相混淆。

8.When a Man Woman foreseeable that he would lose; Men foreseen when his wife, he would confuse.当男人预见女人,他会迷失;当男人预见老婆,他会迷惑。

9.It did not confuse me to see "Treasure Island" in the movies and then read the book.先看电影《金银岛》,而后再去读这本书,并不让我觉得迷惑。

10.Some of his followers complained that this would confuse the workers, making the Bolsheviks sound pke the anarchist-communists.他的一些追随者曾抱怨:这会在工人中引起思想上的混乱,使布尔什维克听上去像是无政府主义的共产主义。