

confetti:[英 [kənˈfeti] 美 [kənˈfɛti] ]


confetti 基本解释


confetti 网络解释

1. 糖果:Beach),糖果(Confetti)等大图片删起来都很顺利.可是在删WBMP(EMS)格式的图片时就出问题了.我照着上面说的试了好几次都没成功,还以为是我的操作有误.经过反复几次才发现了问题的所:就是第一步在用记事本创建一个文件是文件的内容不能为空白.可随便输入一个数字或者字母都行,


2. 五彩碎纸:当然你要多送一件给新郎也未尝不可. 参加婚礼的宾客,服装应求庄重但不要华丽,切忌穿戴得比一对新人还漂亮体面. 婚礼结束后,一对新人通常在宾客投掷五彩碎纸(confetti)和撒米(rice-throwing)的祝福中,出发去度蜜月(honeymoon)了

3. confetti的近义词

3. 五彩纸屑:paper streamer 纸带,彩纸带 | confetti 五彩纸屑 | firework display, fireworks 焰火


4. 彩色纸屑:banner横幅(标语)旗帜 | confetti彩色纸屑 | defiance挑衅,蔑视,违抗

confetti 双语例句

1. Minor features include dental pits, renal cysts, rectal hamartoma polyps, cerebral white matter migration lines, gingival fibromas, and confetti skin lesions.


2. My job is forcibly held information, and I will give her, she said to himself, and we don't agree to need, she was a mess up to throw on the ground his own information she still doesn't allow I didn't listen to pick up on the tear, a little paper confetti fell on the ground by more than one person to bully us pick the paper scraps.


3. And the organizers had promised that12 million pounds of confetti, a million yellow ribbons and6, 000 tons of ticker tape would be droppe d on the veterans returning from the Persian Gulf war….


4. We received the trophy from the hands of the President of the Republic of Mexico, Gustavo Diaz Ordaz, and we gave an Olympic march around the huge stadium, with the confetti and streamers falling like snow and with the constant beat of a samba band mixing with the most enthusiastic ovation I can remember.


5. We received the trophy from the hands of the President of the Republic of Mexico, Gustavo Diaz Ordaz, and we gave an Olympic march around the huge stadium, with the confetti and streamers falling like snow and with the constant beat of a sama band mixing with the most enthusiastic ovation I can remember.


6. We received the trophy from the hands of the President of the Republic of Mexico, Gustavo Diaz Ordaz, and we gave an Olympic march around the huge stadium, with the confetti and streamers falling like snow and with the constant beat of asama band mixing with the most enthusiastic ovation Ican remember.


7. confetti

7. Confetti and cross cutting shredders offer a level of security which is sufficient for many types of shredding.


8. This shredder is a confetti shredder, ensuring maximum security and even this small device includes safety features and paper jam prevention.



9. Living in Beijing, many people every day throwing waste, large桌椅板凳as small as the head cloth peel confetti.


10. Of confetti, a million yellow ribbons and6, 000 tons of ticker tape would be dropped on the veterans


11. But what alarmed them most, they said, was the nearly inconceivable amount of tiny, confetti-like pieces of broken plastic.



12. A handful of confetti that came from a neighboring carriage, and which, while it covered Morcerf and his two companions with dust, pricked his neck and that portion of his face uncovered by his mask like a hundred pins, incited him to join in the general combat, in which all the masks around him were engaged.


13. confetti什么意思

13. That`s because a month from now, maybe two, Bryant`s jumper will look as pretty as confetti falling from the rafters again.


14. Blue and silver confetti sprinkled from the rafters and landed at James ` s feet, and a crowd that had been cheering all evening started its celebration in earnest.


15. Have the kids decorate with crepe paper, confetti and hand made hearts.


16. confetti

16. Meanwhile, people blow confetti8 and whistle. It's like celebrating carnival but without being dressed up.


17. PARIS - A lavish wedding where newly-weds weresprinkledwith shredded euro-note confetti has provoked outrage ina Frenchtown, a newspaper reported on Tuesday.


18. PARIS - A lavish wedding where newly-weds weresprinkledwith shredded euro-note confetti has provoked outrage ina Frenchtown, a newspaper reported.


19. confetti是什么意思

19. PARIS - A laish wedding where newly-weds weresprinkledwith shredded euro-note confetti has prooked outrage ina Frenchtown, a newspaper reported on Tuesday.


20. Shredded euro confettiscandalisestown PARIS - A lavish wedding where newly-weds weresprinkledwith shredded euro-note confetti has provoked outrage ina Frenchtown, a newspaper reported on Tuesday.


confetti 词典解释

1. (婚礼上向新娘、新郎抛撒的)五彩纸屑

Confetti is small pieces of coloured paper that people throw over the bride and bridegroom at a wedding.

confetti 单语例句

1. When the final buzzer sounded, the Warriors hugged as confetti streamed onto the court.

2. More than a ton of confetti is dropped in Times Square on New Year's Eve.

3. " I think the best part is being here with friends, " Medlin said as confetti floated down on him and people kissed around him.

4. Overnight they had sprouted a covering of red casings, as if a million pounds of red confetti had been airdropped on the city.

5. Ke $ ha ended her performance with her hit " Tik Tok " as she attempted to smash a pinata while confetti rained down on the crowd.

6. The confetti included pieces of paper with the new year's wishes and resolutions of people who submitted them in advance.

7. The winners were showered with confetti as they held up mammoth checks representing their earnings.

8. The ceremony featured fireworks and confetti and obligatory appearances by Disney characters including Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck.

9. The Chinese locals also welcomed the navy with confetti, chanting and a Chinese lion dance.

10. Fans jumped up and down, hugged each other and threw confetti in celebration of the news.

confetti 英英释义



1. small pieces or streamers of colored paper that are thrown around on festive occasions (as at a wedding)