

recall:[英 [rɪˈkɔ:l] 美 [rɪˈkɔl] ]


过去式:recalled;   过去分词:recalled;   现在分词:recalling;   复数形式:recalls;

recall 基本解释

及物动词叫回,召回; 使想起,回想; 取消; 调回工厂

名词罢免; 召回,唤回; 记忆力,回想; 收回通告

recall 相关例句



1. She recalled her promise.


2. Recall the misery of the past and contrast it with the happiness of today.


3. The ambassador was recalled.



1. The recall of the general could mean he had lost the battle.


2. Do you have any recall of that meeting?


recall 网络解释


1. 回收:主机板厂商表示,英特尔在上周给予主机板产业的信件中宣称,由於Grantsdale采用的南桥晶片ICH6出现制造问题,所以将会召回产品,不过英特尔并没有使用回收(Recall)或是交换(Swap)等字眼,而是更温和的轮换(Rotate),希望能将影响降到最低.

2. recall在线翻译

2. 恢复:DFP-212有20个可用的记忆. 4个已在在工厂预设,16个供使用者设定.这台机器有个在模拟(Analog)状态下的直通(bypass)系统,也可以通过随机接口MIDI、USB介面由外部面板控制其双向处理信息. 可恢复(Recall)记忆体 20可恢复(Recall)记忆体 20

3. recall:rcl; 重呼,二次呼叫

recall 双语例句

1. According to the NHTSA`s Web site, the recall is due to a faulty drive shaft cover plate that could lead to a detached drive shaft.


2. It is increasingly clear that at least one major dairy company, the Sanlu Group, knew about the problem for months, and city officials in the company`s hometown knew about the problem for weeks and did nothing to warn the public or force a widespread recall.


3. Aged people still can recall the day when hearing of the news that Japan surrendered and the excitement of that moment.


4. He is no longer a fisherfolk but everyday he likes driving his wooden boat in Baiyangdian Like to recall his sweet love.


5. recall

5. Baidu collects pelter, make website discharge many decrease, say really, see collect one every day decreasing, IP one every day be in petty, psychology still is not flavor a bit really, but do not have method, no matter you are in, gave an issue how is sadness otiose, you recall the way that solves a problem only just is the most important, state of mind, I say with oneself all the time.


6. Dr. Oufor Hoarser introduces, it`s a very beneficial training to recall vividly our past success and brave moments when our confidence start to wave.


7. recall什么意思

7. When I recall days of after endless overtime I weeping on the bus, when I recall days of disappoint after times by times interviews, when I recall days of worry and running about moving, when I recall days of sad for worthless person., I said, all past away, ofcause beside continue running for rent house. but I changed my attitude.


8. It is suitable rhyme and a strong, expressive, scannable rhythm which make that poem pleasurable and memorable, and the same can be said of many weightier poems which we can [End Page 47] enjoy and can recall.


9. recall

9. Some of the phone services which Telcordia promotes for CLASS are Automatic Callback, Automatic Recall, Calling Number Delivery, Customer Originated Trace, Distinctive Ringing/Call Waiting, Selective Call Forwarding and Selective Call Rejection.

Telcordia 科技公司 Class提供的一些电话服务项目有自动电话回叫、自动回呼、主叫号码传送、用户追查、区分振铃/来电等待、可选择的呼叫前转以及可选择的呼叫拒绝。

10. The colleagues that went through the early days of Ogilvy China might still remember the hard times and challenges. It is good to recall the past. We are never the newly-rich, so we should always embrace modesty in ourselves.


11. The colleagues that went through the early days of OgilvyChina might still remember the hard times and challenges. It isgood to recall the past. We are never the newly-rich, so we shouldalways embrace modesty in ourselves.



12. HP quality door door Toyota recall ASUS high price of this series of claims the door hidden behind the quality, the existing mode of operation is what business problem?


13. Total 10 problems such as product recall legislation mode and style etc., concerning product recall system are discussed and some constructive views are put forth for the legislation planning for this system in 4th part.


14. recall

14. He would dress, they recall, in an unchanging daily uniform: worn bomber jacket, flannel shirt, khakis, and saddle shoes.


15. recall的反义词

15. First, this article clarifies the purpose and significance of this study. Summarize the achievements in theories at home and abroad which are closely related to inventory management and customer behavior, as well as establish the research approach and content that will be involved in this study. Secondly, recall the theories of inventory management and customer behavior systematically, which are conducted to provide general guidance of the theory. Thirdly, on the basis of human general behavior model, from individual intrinsic and intrinsic factors, set up inventory management index system based on customer behavior which is tested by empirical analysis. Fourthly, according to index system, analyze the customer behavior, and predict customer demand further. Fifthly, forecast customer traveled mileage which is matched with prospective mileage to acquire customer requirements, and then make corresponding inventory strategies. Finally, sum up the researches in this article. On account of the shortcomings that exist the evaluation system, bringing up the improve vision ulteriorly.


16. recall

16. Chen`s portraits are accentuated factual and recording. They show his respective counterpart in clinical frontality and thereby recall over-dimensioned passport-photos.


17. recall

17. And if you recall, Harry Redknapp needed strikers and went for John Hartson and Paul Kitson.


18. Poetess and Lenovo in the first view, causing the recall of past events and the thoughts of their homeland.


19. They should recall that these apparently irritating procedural trivia are things that matter to us.


20. But suddenly I realized that I couldn't recall ever having heard his voice at all.


recall 词典解释The verb is pronounced /rɪ'kɔːl/. The noun is pronounced /'riːkɔːl/. 动词读作/rɪ'kɔːl/。名词读作/'riːkɔːl/。

1. 记起;回想起;回忆说

When you recall something, you remember it and tell others about it.


e.g. Henderson recalled that he first met Pollard during a business trip to Washington...


e.g. Her teacher recalled: 'She was always on about modelling.'...


2. (用于引出双方都已意识到的事)记得

You can say as I recall ,you might recall, or you will recall to someone that you are talking to when you want to mention something that you are both already aware of which is relevant to the discussion.


e.g. As I recall, you're not on the board, Joe; you're only a minor shareholder...


e.g. You will recall that I sent you a warning of troubled times. Well now, almost everything I forecast has come about.


3. 记性;记忆力

Recall is the ability to remember something that has happened in the past or the act of remembering it.


e.g. He had a good memory, and total recall of her spoken words.


4. 召回;叫回

If you are recalled to your home, country, or the place where you work, you are ordered to return there.

e.g. Spain has recalled its Ambassador after a row over refugees seeking asylum at the embassy...


e.g. Parliament was recalled from its summer recess.


5. 召回(运动员);使归队

In sport, if a player is recalled to a team, he or she is included in that team again after being left out.


e.g. Dean Richards was recalled to the England squad for the match with Wales...


e.g. I had done enough after being recalled against Pakistan to have got on the tour to India.


6. 召回(公司产品)

If a company recalls a product, it asks the shops or the people who have bought that product to return it because there is something wrong with it.

e.g. The company said it was recalling one of its drugs...


e.g. More than 3,000 cars were recalled yesterday because of a brake problem.


7. 记不起来;无法忆起;无法恢复原状;面目全非

If something is beyond recall, it is no longer possible to remember how it was or to bring it back to its original condition.

e.g. The ground has been polluted beyond recall...


e.g. ...the realities of operating a traditional canal boat can be readily imagined, even if the life itself is beyond recall.


recall 单语例句

1. The ceaseless violence and decisions by other coalition members to recall their troops underline the gravity of the US position in Iraq.

2. Toyota will notify owners of the vehicles by letter of the recall in early June, he said.

3. We won't know whether the forecasts are accurate until the next year, but by then few would bother to recall.

4. The parents of many of today's children in China can recall times when cabbage formed the mainstay of their winter diet.

5. He also was criticized during last fall's recall campaign for supporting Proposition 187, the 1994 California measure that would have denied state services to illegal immigrants.

6. Customers should have the number handy when they call Dell to learn if the battery is covered by the recall.

7. The appointment and Thaksin's subsequent visit to Cambodia angered the government in Bangkok and resulted in a recall of ambassadors from both sides.

8. Eriksson could not recall the name of the Vietnamese cameraman and said he had not been in contact with him after finding the clip.

9. But some fear that Bustamante's candidacy could lead more people to vote yes on the recall and hand the governor's office to the Republicans.

10. I recall spending a few days trying to figure out what she meant by what translated as " We of canine cry your ".

recall 英英释义


1. the act of removing an official by petition

2. the process of remembering (especially the process of recovering information by mental effort)

e.g. he has total recall of the episode

Synonym: recollectionreminiscence

3. a bugle call that signals troops to return

4. a call to return

e.g. the recall of our ambassador

5. a request by the manufacturer of a defective product to return the product (as for replacement or repair)

Synonym: callback


1. recall knowledge from memory

have a recollection

e.g. I can't remember saying any such thing

I can't think what her last name was

can you remember her phone number?

Do you remember that he once loved you?

call up memories

Synonym: rememberretrievecall backcall uprecollectthink

2. cause one's (or someone else's) thoughts or attention to return from a reverie or digression

e.g. She was recalled by a loud laugh

3. summon to return

e.g. The ambassador was recalled to his country

The company called back many of the workers it had laid off during the recession

Synonym: call back

4. go back to something earlier

e.g. This harks back to a previous remark of his

Synonym: hark backreturncome back

5. cause to be returned

e.g. recall the defective auto tires

The manufacturer tried to call back the spoilt yoghurt

Synonym: call incall backwithdraw

6. make unavailable

bar from sale or distribution

e.g. The company recalled the product when it was found to be faulty

7. call to mind

e.g. His words echoed John F. Kennedy

Synonym: echo