

approach:[英 [əˈprəʊtʃ] 美 [əˈproʊtʃ] ]


过去式:approached;   过去分词:approached;   现在分词:approaching;   复数形式:approaches;

approach 基本解释


及物动词接近; 着手处理; 使移近; 试图贿赂(或影响,疏通)

名词方法; 途径; 接近



approach 相关例句


1. Have you approached the manager about taking a day off next week?


2. approach什么意思

2. He approached the idea with caution.


3. He approached the question as a scientist.



1. Snow announced the approach of winter.


approach 网络解释

1. approach

1. 方法:专著可能只有(这一书名有时没有方法(approach)一词,有时又用历史主义(historicism)这个字,不知道是为什么. )这一本,连它也只是讲座稿,读它出就是当斯特劳斯在给我们上课好了.

2. 靠近:中间小院可以用fillwaterskin来装水,西边小院有个水井(well),靠近(approach)几次就会掉下去. (可以用climbup爬上来),待一分钟左右就会冲到地下暗道,在这里可以search,search可以找到一个头盖骨(skull),这就是武当老掌门的头骨,

approach 双语例句

1. approach的翻译

1. The increased expression of Tau is associated to delayed axotomy and neuron apoptosis. The neuroprotection of HSP70 is likely based its effect on reducing aggregation of Tau. A new approach to treatment of diffuse axonal injury may be developed through the enhancement of intrinsic neuroprotective functions.


2. In this dissertation, we investigate an integrated approach that provides fault tolerance and DVS mechanism in real-time systems. Firstly, we propose a primary/backup fault-tolerance static DVS scheduling algorithm, setting processor frequency off-line.


3. You will be migrating to a new and disciplined approach to controlling your company`s data.


4. If you think about it, this is really the only sustainable approach in the long run.


5. approach的反义词

5. In this movie she makes her closest approach to greatness.


6. We'll be taking data for a number of hours before and after closest approach, something like 30 hours of observations in all.



7. This was their closest approach to intimacy during their long Summer idyll.


8. PARMA has reached its point of closest approach to Hong Kong.


9. PARMA has passed its point of closest approach to Hong Kong.


10. Closest approach will be on the night side, just a little bit south of the equator, in full view of Earth.


11. It was spotted only two weeks ahead of its closest approach.


12. With a little bit of research, I was able to develop my own approach to the problem.



13. Objective:To approach the immunity status of pulse magnetic field treatment on treating Paediatric Lobular Pneumonia.


14. When buying a new pot, some people choose to use tea boiled approach to maintenance.


15. The deadline set password is also very important, disable some obvious interim accounts is also very clever approach.


16. The Contrariant Approach I believe the stock market is still very good.


17. The laws are very strict and there is zero tolerance approach towards crime.


18. approach

18. A regiment of dark clouds, a thread of cool breeze, thunder shower will approach.



19. Results: Through the facial recess approach, the pyramidal eminence. canal of facial nerve, incudostapedial joint, base of stapes, cochleariform process. round window niche and promontorium tympani were all visible from different directions.


20. Objective To evaluate the clinical results of the surgical treatment via articular process approach for thoracic disc herniation.

目的 评价采用经关节突入路手术治疗胸椎间盘突出症的疗效。

approach 词典解释

1. 靠近;接近;走近

When you approach something, you get closer to it.

e.g. He didn't approach the front door at once...


e.g. When I approached, they grew silent...


2. 路径;途径;道路

An approach to a place is a road, path, or other route that leads to it.

e.g. The path serves as an approach to the boat house.


3. 与…接洽;找…商量

If you approach someone about something, you speak to them about it for the first time, often making an offer or request.

e.g. When Chappel approached me about the job, my first reaction was of disbelief...


e.g. He approached me to create and design the restaurant...


4. 探讨;处理;对待

When you approach a task, problem, or situation in a particular way, you deal with it or think about it in that way.

e.g. The Bank has approached the issue in a practical way...


e.g. Employers are interested in how you approach problems.


5. 方法;态度;手段

Your approach to a task, problem, or situation is the way you deal with it or think about it.

e.g. We will be exploring different approaches to gathering information.


e.g. ...the adversarial approach of the British legal system.


6. 临近;来临

As a future time or event approaches, it gradually gets nearer as time passes.

e.g. As autumn approached, the plants and colours in the garden changed.


e.g. ...the approaching crisis.


7. 接近(未来时间或事件)

As you approach a future time or event, time passes so that you get gradually nearer to it.

e.g. We approach the end of the year with the economy slowing and little sign of cheer.


8. 近似;接近于

If something approaches a particular level or state, it almost reaches that level or state.

e.g. Oil prices have approached their highest level for almost ten years...


e.g. Mansell will race at average speeds approaching 200mph.


approach 单语例句

1. The approach we have employed is to localize in Manhattan by hiring a local manager to run the business.

2. As holidays approach, merchants rack their brains for promotional methods to attract business.

3. Heightened environmental concerns are reshaping the nation's approach to economic and social development, pressuring Chinese companies to manage environmental impact as effectively as other business operations.

4. Unlike previous generations of entrepreneurs, they've been to business school and are taking a businesslike approach.

5. When new customers approach, he usually persuades them not to buy much the first time.

6. Adding to the buzz surrounding Wie are her forays in testing her skills against men and her youthful approach to golf fashion.

7. It is an approach seldom adopted by Hollywood genre films in which the stories develop in a certain pattern and always have a clear resolution.

8. It was the umpteenth time they had used the schizophrenic approach to wiggle out of the war crime issue by mouthing regrets while acting otherwise.

9. Chelsea and Mourinho were charged last month by the Premier League over an illegal approach to Arsenal defender Ashley Cole.

10. Cai will work with local volunteers to produce a number of new gunpowder drawings for the exhibition to showcase his approach to contemporary art.

approach的反义词approach 英英释义


1. the act of drawing spatially closer to something

e.g. the hunter's approach scattered the geese

Synonym: approachingcoming

2. a relatively short golf shot intended to put the ball onto the putting green

e.g. he lost the hole when his approach rolled over the green

Synonym: approach shot

3. ideas or actions intended to deal with a problem or situation

e.g. his approach to every problem is to draw up a list of pros and cons

an attack on inflation

his plan of attack was misguided

Synonym: attackplan of attack

4. a way of entering or leaving

e.g. he took a wrong turn on the access to the bridge

Synonym: access

5. a close approximation

e.g. the nearest approach to genius

6. the temporal property of becoming nearer in time

e.g. the approach of winter

Synonym: approachingcoming

7. a tentative suggestion designed to elicit the reactions of others

e.g. she rejected his advances

Synonym: overtureadvancefeeler

8. the event of one object coming closer to another

Synonym: approaching

9. the final path followed by an aircraft as it is landing

Synonym: approach pathglide pathglide slope



1. make advances to someone, usually with a proposal or suggestion

e.g. I was approached by the President to serve as his adviser in foreign matters

2. come near in time

e.g. Winter is approaching

approaching old age

Synonym: come near

3. move towards

e.g. We were approaching our destination

They are drawing near

The enemy army came nearer and nearer

Synonym: nearcome ongo updraw neardraw closecome near

4. begin to deal with

e.g. approach a task

go about a difficult problem

approach a new project

Synonym: set aboutgo about

5. come near or verge on, resemble, come nearer in quality, or character

e.g. This borders on discrimination!

His playing approaches that of Horowitz

Synonym: border on