

subside:[英 [səbˈsaɪd] 美 [səbˈsaɪd] ]


过去式:subsided;   过去分词:subsided;   现在分词:subsiding;

subside 基本解释


不及物动词减弱,平息; (洪水)退去,(热度)消退; 沉下去; 坐下

subside 相关例句


1. He subsided into a chair.


2. The flood waters subsided.


3. The sea subsides.


4. subside

4. The wind subsided to a calm.


5. His anger subsided.


subside 网络解释

1. 平息:这是因为你的思想平息(subside)了,所以再也记不起来那个心智制造的问题自我(problematic self). 你逐渐进入了睡眠状态. 当喝酒或嗑药时(只要它们不会触动你的痛苦之身),你也可能觉得比较放松,比较无忧无虑,而且可能会暂时比较有活力.

2. 沉淀物:Fruity:果味的 | Subside:沉淀物 | Nutrition:营养素

3. 沉降:沉淀 precipitation | 沉降 subside | 沉降速度 settling rate

4. subside在线翻译

4. 平息,消退:subservient 卑屈,阿谀的 | subside 平息,消退 | subsidize 资助

subside 双语例句

1. Often, as I still lay at the bottom, and kept no more than an eye above the gunwale, I would see a big blue summit heaving close above me; yet the coracle would but bounce a little, dance as if on springs, and subside on the other side into the trough as lightly as a bird.


2. When cloudy disappear, storm subside, sunshine will come up.


3. Thus the mixture of hot ore-bearing fluid from deep and surface cold water will happen in the pathway, such as fault and detachment zone, during the subside and the uplift, which might lead to the mineralization.


4. The theme in the first quarter was fiscal irresponsibility, 'said Kathy Lien, currency strategist at GFT Forex.'But in the second quarter I'd expect a lot of the fiscal concerns will subside. We're going to see central banks laying the groundwork for... lifting interest rates and that's going to benefit the dollar.

GFT Forex外汇策略师莲恩表示,一季度的主题是财政松弛,但在二季度,我预计有关财政问题的很多担忧将会平息下来;各国央行将为加息做好准备,而这将对美元形成利好。

5. subside是什么意思

5. Meaningful is not only one kind of feeling, but also has the impulsion which can never subside.


6. And what you'll find is that your inflamed desire to buy all sorts of things will subside.


7. subside在线翻译

7. Indeed, all of it will rise up like the Nile, And it will be tossed about And subside like the Nile of Egypt.


8. Light red, the appearance of smooth, long-only shallow in the skin lesions, as the sprinkling of red wine as a mark of the infected, then known as port-wine stain, which is characterized by no growth, only with the physical length such as large proportion of the expansion, it would not subside


9. subside在线翻译

9. A lot of arguments rise here and subside there. The main reason is that Chinese teaching has been treated coldly for a long time. The literature education is an elementary education engineering whose purpose is to educate the young to have noble characters、cultural undertakings and aesthetic judgment. But it still has many problems to solve at system of education、aim of education、sense of education、courses offered in high school、teaching material and method. We should take appropriate measures to improve.


10. Noises rise here and subside there. Plugging on the earphone, the same song with same rhythms lingers in my ear and my mind.


11. And surface buildings are classified in due to they are in different places in subside...



12. Most people in the pink new skin to mature, the pigment will naturally subside.


13. From March to April of 2005, by means of Net-filter, the Rotifera in subside area of Huaibei coal mine was preliminarily studied.



14. This paper proposed using the technique of pouring past to solve the problems of crack, mud, spaRering, gap, break, car bumping at the end of bridge and subside of foundation occurred in concrete pavement of chen—yu highway after analysis of the problem.



15. Angioma may be, can continue to observe, in general continue to expand if there is no treatment can not, some patients may be allergic to subside urticaria often caused increased resistance to fight the drug useless.


16. And then subside, just like the characteristics of cold cured.


17. And now, as tears subside, I find it all so amusing.


18. And so on will be from the trunk after the fever began to appear red or pink rash, then the progressive development of the limbs, neck. 48 hours after the rash will subside without leaving any traces.


19. The worst flooding for over 100 years has begun to subside.


20. Increased amplitude also results in sea level falling faster than flats can subside, so that disconformities with thick vadose profiles develop.


subside 词典解释

1. (感情)平息,缓和,趋于平静;(噪音)减弱,降低

If a feeling or noise subsides, it becomes less strong or loud.

e.g. The pain had subsided during the night...


e.g. Catherine's sobs finally subsided.


2. (争斗)平息,平静

If fighting subsides, it becomes less intense or general.

e.g. Violence has subsided following two days of riots.


3. (地面、建筑物)下沉,沉降,下陷

If the ground or a building is subsiding, it is very slowly sinking to a lower level.

e.g. Does that mean the whole house is subsiding?


4. (水位)回落;(尤指洪水)减退,消退

If a level of water, especially flood water, subsides, it goes down.

e.g. Local officials say the flood waters have subsided.


subside 单语例句subside的反义词

1. In just a few days, the ulcers would subside and throats and noses would clear up.

2. If oil prices stabilize or drop further, cost inflation could also subside.

3. The partisan political split isn't likely to subside anytime soon, especially with a debate over the government's debt limit coming next month.

4. Once the disadvantaged start getting legal help to seek justice their anger will subside even if their problems are not solved.

5. The weather service will consider downgrading the warning as winds subside, it said.

6. The hoarding frenzy will quickly subside if the GAC declares baby formula dutiable over and above a certain quantity or worth.

7. Geological experts have been urging the authorities to introduce effective and comprehensive measures to address the problem as the ground continues to subside.

8. BEIJING - China's steel demand will continue to subside this year due to a possible domestic slowdown and faltering global economic recovery.

9. In spite of the enormous pressure from the Western world, the Chinese Government has maintained its policy and waited for the speculative wave to subside.

10. Chinese industrial insiders say in this market environment, growth of China's textile and clothing exports are likely to subside further.

subside 英英释义


1. wear off or die down

e.g. The pain subsided

Synonym: lessen

2. descend into or as if into some soft substance or place

e.g. He sank into bed

She subsided into the chair

Synonym: sink

3. sink down or precipitate

e.g. the mud subsides when the waters become calm

Synonym: settle

4. sink to a lower level or form a depression

e.g. the valleys subside