

gingerly:[英 [ˈdʒɪndʒəli] 美 [ˈdʒɪndʒərli] ]


gingerly 基本解释


副词小心翼翼地; 慎重地

形容词小心翼翼的; 谨慎的


gingerly 相关例句


1. This delicate political issue must be handled gingerly.



1. gingerly的翻译

1. The issue was handled in a gingerly way.


2. gingerly

2. She gingerly picked it up.


gingerly 网络解释

1. 小心翼翼地:gingerliness 小心翼翼 | gingerly 小心翼翼地 | gingerol 姜辣素

2. 小心翼翼地/慎重地/慎重的/谨慎的:gingerliness /小心翼翼/慎重/ | gingerly /小心翼翼地/慎重地/慎重的/谨慎的/ | gingerol /姜辣素/

3. 小心谨慎地:疯狂,狂热-frenzy | 混乱,骚乱-commotion | 小心谨慎地-gingerly

4. 战战兢兢(的) 战兢来:gena 遗传因子 基因 | gingerly 战战兢兢(的) 战兢来 | gibber 结结巴巴地说 结巴

gingerly 双语例句

1. Heat, thirst, and, for the moment, dinosaurs were forgotten as the team members followed Hettwer back to the three dunes and began to gingerly survey their slopes.

酷热、干渴以及恐龙一下子都被一时忘在了脑后,队员们跟随着Hettwer 回到了三个沙包处并开始小心翼翼地观察它们的斜面。

2. C-Note`s face is badly bruised and he holds his back as he gingerly walks toward the table.

C-Note 的脸上带着严重的瘀伤,扶着他的腰部小心翼翼地行走。


3. C-Note carries his lunch tray to a table where Westmoreland and T-Bag are sitting. C-Note`s face is badly bruised and he holds his back as he gingerly walks toward the table.



4. She gingerly set the chip into her laptop's auxiliary reader port.


5. Mr Tompkins sheepishly let go of his hand-hold, and gingerly stood up.


6. As for no picky eating, I, for one, often find people, who are barely over forty, being extremely choosy about their food: they keep off egg yolks, shrink from tripes, and, whenever they are at table, they examine gingerly, as if treading on thin ice, every dish before they eat any.


7. gingerly

7. Asang finished washing up, dried his hands and gingerly picked up the cup on the bar.


8. I could see no blood, and so I leaned down and turned the elf over gingerly.


9. Holding supplies, volunteers tread gingerly over wooden planks to reach elderly Mrs Thong Suk's stilt home in Banphaeo, Thailand.


10. gingerly在线翻译

10. This delicate political issue must be handled gingerly.


11. No one seemed quite sure how to hold the Apple device, with some cradling it and others gingerly setting it on the table.


12. As Rachel went gingerly across the muddy courtyard, holding her cloak over her head with one hand, the lantern in the other, she stepped in a wide wagon rut and felt the water splash her calves.


13. Hayden Hooten kept looking at some pictures. In each one, he rested gingerly in bed, and Tracy McGrady, his favorite basketball player, leaned over him, smiling.



14. Will only blow flute's elder sister to protect by Jeff, will pull cello's actually will only be such is exposing, forever gingerly, when shrank the Chinese zither not to know by the stabbing pain.


15. At a recent exchanges conference in London, Martin Graham, director of markets at the LSE, responded gingerly to a question about whether it might try to bypass its big broker customers and reach out directly to their clients.


16. I step off the barge and creep gingerly around the inner-tube as it bobs in the green-blue water.


17. Two of the doctors took hold of my right leg very gingerly and bent it.


18. Then he held up his forepaw as the Mole stepped gingerly down.


19. Then he held up his forepaw asthe Mole stepped gingerly down.


20. I reached out gingerly to touch the snake.


gingerly 词典解释

1. 小心谨慎地;战战兢兢地

If you do something gingerly, you do it in a careful manner, usually because you expect it to be dangerous, unpleasant, or painful.

e.g. She was touching the dressing gingerly with both hands...


e.g. I drove gingerly past the security check points.


gingerly 单语例句gingerly的意思

1. Cleanup crews have discovered some remains as they gingerly remove rotting debris to clear the area for rebuilding.

2. A customer was seen gingerly picking up a dumpling with his chopsticks and placing it in a spoon.

3. Aid officials said unexploded ordnance was forcing relief workers to move gingerly in evacuating the wounded and in making deliveries of food and fuel.

4. " I hope we never have to work so gingerly again, " Wei smiled.

5. Britain gingerly rolled out its plans for national biometric identity cards yesterday, saying it would require airport workers to carry them next year.

6. Arenas gingerly limped down the steps and across the court on his surgically repaired knee as the crowd went wild.

7. Playing his first international since he broke his ankle in February, the Roma star gingerly confronted Djourou and Senderos.

8. We gingerly patted them on their backs and soft bellies and watched them swim through.

9. Yao went to the bench and McGrady walked gingerly to the sideline five minutes later.

10. He landed gingerly and motioned immediately to the bench for a substitute.
