

gratification:[英 [ˌgrætɪfɪˈkeɪʃn] 美 [ˌɡrætəfɪˈkeʃən] ]



gratification 基本解释


名词满足; 满意; 喜悦; 使人满意之事

gratification 相关例句


1. gratification的翻译

1. Your approval gives me much gratification.



2. To my immense gratification, he fell into the trap.


3. His son's success was a great gratification to him.


4. The guide received a gratification.


gratification 网络解释

1. 满足感:辉映英国经济学家理查.莱亚德(Richard Layard )的发现,从金钱、学历、成就及性爱而来的快乐,在到达一顶点之后,反而正向心理学大师塞利格曼( Martin Seligman)认为,必须先学会区分愉悦( pleasure)与满足感( gratification)的不同.

2. 奖金;报酬;满意:gratification 奖金 | gratification 奖金;报酬;满意 | gratification 奖金报酬满意

3. 满意:graticule 格子线 | gratification 满意 | gratify 使满足

gratification 双语例句


1. He was thinking only of his own gratification, disregarding long-term consequences.


2. Musical really gave too much to say. The one I had been trying my best, and eventually turned out to be really enjoyable with a bit bitter taste at the last curtian call. Tears were just a sign of extream pleasure and gratification.

PS 写点东西,并不完全是给人看的,最重要的,似乎是对自己的一次审视和督促,把内心的杂乱从手指和键盘的敲击中发泄出去,从文字中找回那份恬静和清欢。


3. Thus it is commonly said that all gratification is of itself good; which is almost equivalent to saying that to be permanently agreeable and to be good are identical.


4. Gaze at or think about something with great self-satisfaction, gratification, or joy.



5. I hope you will think about the time of the comments, not to momentary gratification virtually hurt a lot of innocent people.



6. On one hand, she is involved in an unhealthy relationship that requires the use of her own fantasies to bring sexual gratification. On the other hand, she is already into middle age, and needs to be establishing a stable home in a foreign country with a responsible husband at her side to provide a sense of security for her and her daughter.


7. The Influence of Maternal Child-Rearing Attitudes and Teaching Behaviors on Preschoolers'Delay of Gratification. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 2000, 3:293-307/ w8 ^/ b1 Z* t u[9] Barkley R A.


8. Keyword: use and gratification, Cyberporn, network survey, Internet, communication pleasure experience


9. gratification的意思

9. His son`s success was a great gratification to him.


10. gratification

10. If you want instant gratification, give some of your money away.


11. Sexual gratification derived from inflicting or experiencing pain.


12. We live in a culture of instant gratification.


13. How this is attained is in the end immaterial; and, as the choice of the means is here the only thing that can make a difference, men might indeed blame one another for folly or imprudence, but never for baseness or wickedness; for they are all, each according to his own way of looking at things, pursuing one goal, which for each is the gratification in question.


14. I visited various parts of my own country; and had I been merely a love of fine scenery, I should have felt little desire to seek elsewhere its gratification, for on no country have the charms of nature been more prodigally lavished.


15. I visited various parts of my own country, and had I been merely a lover of fine scenery, I should have felt little desire to seek elsewhere its gratification, for on no country have the charms of nature been more prodigally lavished.



16. An ethical, esthetic revolution thus began, with the legitimate divisions between him and her surpassed and resolved with a silhouette which was in itself a guaranteed signature of the creative process endorsed by the initials or logo of the designer, in what was maybe the only possible certainty in a world seeking stability, confirmation, gratification and equivalencies between container and content.


17. They had become proud of their gift and had begun to flaunt it for their own gratification.


18. Not being able to defer gratification may push them towards more impulsive behaviour, which is strongly associated with delinquency.



19. You can`t have instant gratification and be successful.


20. Even if you decide to volunteer for a good cause on this day, the gratification you feel will more than compensate for the time you spend.


gratification 单语例句

1. We were conditioned to strive for instant gratification in our jobs and our lives.

2. The bands seemed to revel in the crowning gratification and glory that their music had brought them.

3. He expressed gratification on his decision of taking the forum to China and thanked the Chinese government for support and help.

4. China will do fine by sticking to the policy of " deferred gratification " - which is the willingness to sacrifice current satisfaction for future gains.

5. By offering limited editions online right after a fashion show, one luxury label tests the potential - and the limits - of instant gratification.

6. Online gardening games such as Farmville gave the IT generation the instant gratification of harvesting fruits and vegetables.

7. LOS ANGELES - This year's Oscar winners won't have to put up with delayed gratification.

8. They get vicarious gratification by virtually toppling powerful figureheads and empowering themselves in the process.

9. Xia and his fellow sailors have to wait for " delayed gratification " until evening falls, when they have to dock for the night.

10. What he seeks is the gratification the act of painting brings him.

gratification 英英释义



1. the act or an instance of satisfying

2. state of being gratified or satisfied

e.g. dull repetitious work gives no gratification

to my immense gratification he arrived on time

Synonym: satisfaction