

lethal:[英 [ˈli:θl] 美 [ˈliθəl] ]


lethal 基本解释


形容词致命的,致死的; 能致命的; 破坏性的; 有害的


lethal 相关例句


1. In situations like this, she wished she had a gun or some lethal weapon.


lethal 网络解释

1. 致死的:lethal radiation dose 致死辐射剂量 | lethal 致死的 | lethality 致死性

2. 致死:lessivation 淋洗过程 | lethal 致死 | lethal concentration 致死浓度

lethal 双语例句

1. Background Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy is an X-linked recessive lethal inherited disease, which involves skeletal and cardi...

Duchenne型肌营养不良症(Duchenne muscular dystrophy,DMD)是一种以骨骼肌进行性变性、坏死为主要表现的致死性X-连锁隐性遗传病。

2. Available publications report the most sensitive value for oral 50% lethal dose (LD50 is the amount that kills one-half of the tested animals) is 3, 161 mg/kg bw/d in rats.5, 6 The most recently reported no-observed-adverse-effect-levels are 63 mg/kg bw/d (13 weeks, oral with feed, in rats 240 mg/kg bw/d (28 days, oral with feed, in rats 417 mg/kg bw/d (14 days, oral with feed, in rats and 1, 600 mg/kg bw/d (13 weeks, oral with feed, in mice).6 In addition, the most sensitive calculated NOAELs for oral reproductive and developmental toxicity in rats are 400 mg/kg bw/d and 1, 060 mg/kg bw/d, respectively.5, 6 The most commonly observed toxic effects in animal experiments where melamine was administered orally include: reduced food consumption, body weight loss, bladder stones, crystalluria, epithelial hyperplasia of urinary bladder, and lowered survival rate.

可用的公开出版物报告称以老鼠的最敏感的口服半数致使量( LD50半数致使量是指能杀使一半试验动物的量)是3161毫克/公斤体重/每天。最新的报告出来的无害作用剂量分别是是63毫克/公斤体重/天(13周,口服,用老鼠试验);240毫克/公斤体重/天(28天,口服,用老鼠试验);417毫克/公斤体重/天(14天,口服,用老鼠试验);和1600毫克/公斤体重/天(13周,口服,用 mice 试验)(不清楚 rat 和 mice 的区别,mice 比 rat 大?哪位给说明一下吧。)另外,经推算得出的最敏感的 NOAELS 值对于生殖发育期的母鼠而言为400毫克/公斤体重/天,对于胎儿鼠为1060毫克/公斤体重/天。最常见的动物口服三聚氰胺影响试验观察结果包括:食量减少,体重减轻,膀胱结石,结晶尿,膀胱上皮细胞增生和成活率降低。


3. The lethal and growth inhibiting effects of two insect growth regulators, methoprene and pyriproxyfen, on Liposcelis bostrychophila Badonnel were investigated systematically by feeding artificial diet containing the active ingredient.

采用饲料混毒法系统测定了吡丙醚和烯虫酯两种昆虫生长调节剂对重要的储藏物害虫嗜卷书虱Liposcelis bostrychophila Badonnel若虫和成虫的致死作用,对若虫发育情况、成虫繁殖力和卵孵化率的影响。

4. Granular TNT filler provides for a powerful, highly lethal blast radius.

由颗粒状的 TNT 填充,爆炸半径很大,极具杀伤力。

5. lethal的解释

5. Results: 1 The biggest lethal dosage radius of 32P- GTMS was no further than 3.5~ 4mm. 2 The lethal dosage radius did not increase with the increase of injected doses.

结果:32P-玻璃微球具有明显的肿瘤抑制和杀伤作用,它的有效杀伤半径约为3.5~4mm ,有效杀伤半径不随剂量的增加而增大。

6. The test results of acute toxicity were examined with Pearson's degree of fitting. The results indicated that the silkworm was extremely sensitive to Chlorantraniliprole. The median lethal concentration (LC50) was 4.0905×10^(-3) mg/L and median lethal dose (LD50) was 1.1435×10^(-8) mg/larva for the 3rd instar newly exuviated larvae. No toxicity was observed when normal concentrations of Chlorantraniliprole were used to fumigate the silkworm rearing room. Both irrigation and leaf spraying with 1.25×10^(-4) mg/L Chlorantraniliprole solution showed strong systemic transmission properties in root, leaf and whole plant. The residual toxic period of this insecticide to silkworm was very long. Mulberry leaves sprayed with 1.25×10^(-4) mg/L Chlorantraniliprole solution could still cause 100% mortality of the 3 and 5 instar larvae after 60 d. Furthermore, toxic reaction was very quick. The poisoning symptoms emerged within 1~5 h after feeding on the poisonous leaves. The poisoned larvae experienced such symptoms as stopping ingestion, remaining still, vomiting slightly and body atrophy sequentially, and died ultimately.

食下毒力试验结果经Pearson拟合度检验表明,氯虫苯甲酰胺对3龄起蚕的食下致死中浓度(LC50)为4.0905×10^(-3)mg/L,致死中量(LD50)为1.1435×10^(-8)mg/头;药剂在常规浓度下对家蚕无熏蒸毒性;1.25×10^(-4)mg/L稀释药液对桑树根灌和喷叶处理,表现极强的根部、叶部和全株性内吸传导特性;药液对家蚕的残毒期很长,1.25×10^(-4)mg/L稀释药液田间喷雾桑叶,间隔60 d后采叶饲喂3龄和5龄蚕的死亡率均为100%,且中毒反应极快,添食毒叶后1~5 h出现中毒症状,经停止食桑、静伏、少量吐液、蚕体萎缩等过程后陆续死亡。

7. The result showed that the relative moisture, free moisture and starch contents of leaf decreased, and the bound moisture, soluble sugar, soluble protein and proline contents increased with a drop in low semi-lethal temperature.


8. Unlike Kalaripayate, Judo and Karate do not allow the use of lethal weapons.


9. lethal的反义词

9. The field cannons started to spit out their lethal rounds and soon sent confusion among the tight ranks of Ukkthas warriors that were on the opposite bank.


10. Therefore, the lethal effect of the warming and cooling process should also be taken into account.


11. lethal的反义词

11. Tinzaparin is lethal in the wrong dosage.


12. However, the researchers found that, in some cases, the robots accidentally inflicted wounds that would have proved lethal for a real person.



13. The preliminary bioassay showed that some title compounds exhibit good or moderate larvicidal activity to the Mythimna separata and induce a premature, abnormal, and lethal larval molt.



14. In Xiamen, angry residents have stalled plans to build a petrochemical plant seen as a source of lethal pollution.


15. His command of irony and invective was said to be very classic and lethal.


16. lethal的意思

16. At such times his command of invective was said to be classic and lethal.


17. The experiment was conducted in the green house of Wageningen in the Netherlands in order to determine the minimum lethal herbicide dosage of photosynthesis-inhibiting herbicide, bentazone and terbuthylazine, on six weed species with plant photosynthetic meter.


18. Somnus, so beautiful and so lethal. Once you're addicted to it, you are happy at the beginning, and then you'll pay for the joy.


19. Snatch with lethal weapon transforms rob crime has been prescribed in Paragraph 2 of article 267 of the Criminal Law of People's Republic of Gina.


20. lethal在线翻译

20. Furthermore, the bacterial could produce an extracellular toxin which possessed hemolytic activity and lethal virulence. Monoclonal antibodies against the bacterial YT-1 and AH10501 were prepared by hybridizing the Sp2/0 myeloma cell with the spleen cell from immunized mice.


lethal 词典解释

1. 致命的;可致死的

A substance that is lethal can kill people or animals.

e.g. ...a lethal dose of sleeping pills.


e.g. ...chemicals lethal to fish and aquatic mammals.


2. 危害极大的;毁灭性的

If you describe something as lethal, you mean that it is capable of causing a lot of damage.


e.g. High-powered cars are lethal weapons in the hands of inexperienced drivers...


e.g. Frost and wet are the lethal combination for plants.


lethal 单语例句lethal的意思

1. Zhao said lethal injection for corrupt officials was not an act of mercy for those in power.

2. Courts across China have been urged by the country's supreme court to use lethal injections for executions in capital punishment cases.

3. Ricin is made from processing castor beans, and can be extremely lethal.

4. Censorship is another occupational hazard, potentially more lethal than the suspicious capital that chases girls rather than profits.

5. The father of troubled soul star Amy Winehouse blames his affair with a colleague for the star's addiction to lethal drugs.

6. Tsang noted that a chopper can be a lethal weapon capable of inflicting very serious injuries.

7. Alverson would be the second inmate executed in Oklahoma with a combination of lethal drugs that includes a sedative commonly used to euthanize animals.

8. The authorities have come under fire for taking so long to establish that the dead swan had been carrying the lethal strain of bird flu.

9. Options are dwindling for a condemned killer who argues he's too fat to be executed humanely under the state's lethal injection process.

10. Law department officials in Beijing have inspected the lethal injection room, and are working on the route which will escort the condemned to the room.

lethal 英英释义


1. of an instrument of certain death

e.g. deadly poisons

lethal weapon

a lethal injection

Synonym: deadly