

clumsy:[英 [ˈklʌmzi] 美 [ˈklʌmzi] ]


clumsy 基本解释


形容词笨拙的; 复杂难懂的; 得罪人的; (文体等)臃肿的


clumsy 相关例句


1. clumsy

1. The clumsy boy bumped into the table.


2. My clumsy answer hurt her feelings.


clumsy 网络解释

1. 笨手笨脚的:一个笨手笨脚的(clumsy)家伙开始没有注意,在上面踩了很久(ever so long)才发现它. 他把它捡起来,...

2. 以至俺没反应样子:感觉产生得这么Quickly, | 以至俺没反应样子Clumsy. | 小妞哧哧笑你真Silly,

clumsy 双语例句


1. Sorry for interuption to your life...but..but it was the first time i fell in love with somebody..i don't kown how to express..it was my clumsy way that hurt you...sorry


2. clumsy的翻译

2. What I had said to Daniel was clumsy and trite.


3. clumsy在线翻译

3. The language application with spelling mistake, other perhaps and clumsy solecism appears in mail.


4. clumsy的反义词

4. I got no man after me, I had to comb to the mirror, took the comb, benzene clumsy was a crooked ponytail, crustily skin of head back schoolbag go to school.


5. I'm really not that clumsy.



6. I'm sorry. That was really clumsy of me.


7. Look how clumsy you are, let me do it.


8. clumsy

8. First, they need to relax China's clumsy and unbalanced system of remaining price controls.


9. That clumsy panda cannot possibly be the answer to our problem..


10. clumsy是什么意思

10. Gu Zhuo and pleasant, that one note of the plainest clumsy will fall on your heart, splash the noise of huge rock having a handleless cup, the dispersion in the heart in you go.


11. The pattern has been one of clumsy last-minute compromises rather than the coherently thought-out reforms that one might look for from a government with a benign economy and weak opposition.


12. One of the biggest remaining roadblocks is the clumsy presentation of Web content on a phone.


13. clumsy什么意思

13. They were clumsy, but she meant well, for they were intended for the little girl, whose name was Karen.


14. clumsy的近义词

14. Traceless is Taizhiruoyu's intelligence, is a refined big clever, if clumsy, is the invisible elephant wide.


15. Luke sat with his clumsy legs stretched out upon the hearth; with a glass of gin-and-water in one hand and the poker in the other.


16. Pair of young husband and wife leased family building, that landlord is being stolen installed photograph like the head, they discovered at the beginning, blocking with the thing first, dissemble, cross paragraph of time to look for an opportunity to accuse public security bureau, caught that clumsy landlord head of a big foolish, not only chummage go back, still got on 10 thousand yuan of compensation in vain.


17. Nobody likes those clumsy spoofs of yours.


18. One who is clumsy at work; a bungler.


19. clumsy

19. We still would like to clean the painting on paper will not shed tears on the eyes and clumsy freedom, can you?



20. Clumsy Sims muck up both precious and every day moments in life with shaddy footwork and poor planning.


clumsy 词典解释

1. 笨拙的;不灵活的

A clumsy person moves or handles things in a careless, awkward way, often so that things are knocked over or broken.


e.g. I'd never seen a clumsier, less coordinated boxer...


e.g. Unfortunately, I was still very clumsy behind the wheel of the jeep.



The rooks flew clumsily towards their nests.


Ben's biggest problem is clumsiness.


2. (行为或措词)不得体的,拙劣的

A clumsy action or statement is not skilful or is likely to upset people.

e.g. The action seemed a clumsy attempt to topple the Janata Dal government...


e.g. He denied the announcement was clumsy and insensitive.



If the matter were handled clumsily, it could cost Miriam her life.


I was ashamed at my clumsiness and insensitivity.


3. (设计或外表)粗糙的,难用的;设计欠佳的

An object that is clumsy is not neat in design or appearance, and is often awkward to use.

e.g. The keyboard is a large and clumsy instrument as far as portable computers are concerned...


e.g. It was a clumsy looking aeroplane.


clumsy 单语例句clumsy什么意思

1. But their failure to cook up a better story is not because they didn't try, but because they are by nature clumsy hiding the smoking gun.

2. Traditionally men have always been considered careless, clumsy and not suited to taking care of children.

3. Traditionally men were considered careless, clumsy and not suited to take care of children.

4. Acting clumsy and incorporating a cute catchphrase in your speech is a good addition, but not necessary.

5. It's nearly 40 minutes before the central story really gets going, and when it does it plods along from one clumsy moment to the next.

6. You are not " clumsy ", you are so " tactful "!

7. Many children present a virtuous image of their mothers in their compositions, which shows they are hiding their emotions behind the clumsy application of social norms.

8. They may think a TV set held by a clumsy and heavy TV stand or shelf is an unpleasant decoration in their modern rooms.

9. He was clumsy with the hoe and wiped forehead sweat with the sleeve of his national team jersey.

10. During the crisis, the public watched police's straight refusal to negotiate with the hijacker and their clumsy offensive.

clumsyclumsy 英英释义



1. not elegant or graceful in expression

e.g. an awkward prose style

a clumsy apology

his cumbersome writing style

if the rumor is true, can anything be more inept than to repeat it now?

Synonym: awkwardcumbersomeinaptineptill-chosen

2. lacking grace in movement or posture

e.g. a gawky lad with long ungainly legs

clumsy fingers

what an ungainly creature a giraffe is

heaved his unwieldy figure out of his chair

Synonym: gawkyclunkyungainlyunwieldy

3. showing lack of skill or aptitude

e.g. a bungling workman

did a clumsy job

his fumbling attempt to put up a shelf

Synonym: bunglingfumblingincompetent

4. difficult to handle or manage especially because of shape

e.g. an awkward bundle to carry

a load of bunglesome paraphernalia

clumsy wooden shoes

the cello, a rather ungainly instrument for a girl

Synonym: awkwardbunglesomeungainly