

sensory:[英 [ˈsensəri] 美 [ˈsɛnsəri] ]


sensory 基本解释

形容词感觉的,感受的,感官的; 传递感觉的

sensory 网络解释


1. 知觉的:在大多情况下,这些讯号起源於现实世界中知觉的(sensory)资料:地震方程式,难解的(obscure)数学符号和不熟悉的术语. 这真是场恶梦!即使对那些在此领上的帐本盈亏结算线(bottom line)很简单:他们可以经由单一通道来传递愈多的资讯,

2. 感觉:孩子與外界互動的第一步就是靠著感覺(sensory)去體會,接收來自環境中的各種訊息......這就是寶寶的全世界,視知覺---視知覺圖卡(Where System)、視知覺圖卡(What System)诚如以上所言,环境资源与教养能力(parenting skills)是影响今日孩童健全成长发展最重要的决定因素.

sensory 双语例句


1. Objective To investigate the protective effec t of tumor necro sis factor - alpha on sensory n eurons after nerve injury.

目的 探讨肿瘤坏死因子-αtumor necrosis factor alpha,TNF -α)对周围神经损伤后感觉神经元的保护作用。

2. sensory

2. The effect of hot water treatment on storage was studied based on the egg white Haugh unit and sensory evaluation. The experimental results showed that the most suitable conditions for the treatment were 50℃ for 20min.


3. In 71 samples of 80 kinds of enterprises, products, tea in the BHC and DDT residues have been basically brought under control, but the sensory quality of tea and water is still more serious over the issue, individual products and even have odor, stain, mildew and other issues.

在71 80的企业,产品,六六六和滴滴涕的残留茶种样本已基本得到控制,但茶叶感官品质和水仍然是对这个问题更严重,个别产品甚至有异味,污点,霉菌和其他问题。

4. After performance of the block, sensory and motor blockade of radial, median, musculocutaneous, and ulnar nerves were recorded at 5, 15, and 30 min.


5. sensory

5. In the past tens of year the Number One Scholar controlling a ball that sees inaccessibly, time of sensory Buddhist templeput on the brakes is popular rise, the attention that also causes many fan and discuss.


6. Although an actie central nerous system is present by the eighth week of deelopment and a brainstem by the end of the first trimester (which could act as a rudimentary modulator of sensory information and motor actiity), Flower noted that the neocortex does not become a functional part of the neuraxis until at least mid-gestation when the thalamus (the major gateway for sensory input to the cerebrum) makes its first afferent contacts with the neocortex.


7. But had made the child that move frowsty be in the home, sensory whole individual is stupid stupid.


8. sensory是什么意思

8. Each spinal nerve is attached to the spinal cord by a sensory and a motor root.


9. sensory的近义词

9. Retrograde tracing showed plenty of positive sensory neurons in L3~6 dorsal root ganglion and motor neurons in the anterior corn of spinal cord labelled by true blue, the resulted verified the afferent pathway of regenerative sensory and motor nerve fibres was unobstructed.


10. The mirror was giving visual feedback that the sensory cortex was interpreting as a real hand.


11. During recent two decades, the results of many studies indicated that all areas of the brain, including the primary sensory cortex, are plastic even in adults.


12. The emphases of the other phases were to soften the scar and relax adhesion, to improve the ROM of fingers by ADL exercise, hand occupational therapy, sensory r...


13. sensory的近义词

13. The emphases of the other phases were to soften the scar and relax adhesion, to improve the ROM of fingers by ADL exercise, hand occupational therapy, sensory reeducation, splinting and so on.


14. Under normal conditions some catecholaminergic fibers innervate primary afferent neurons and there is no significant functional communication between sympathetic fibers and sensory neurons.


15. Finally, the computer transformed human experience into electric current impulse which was directly fed into the sensory nerves.


16. FLN densely distributed not only in the Ⅰ、Ⅱ layers of trigeminal caudal nucleus, but also in interpolar nucleus, oral nucleus, main sensory and body cerebral cortex. FLN were also seen in the nucleus associated with pain regulation such as parabrachial nucleus and nucleus of solitary tract.

FLN除了密集分布在三叉神经脊束核尾侧亚核(nucleus of the spinal tract of the trigeminal nerve,caudal part,sp5c的Ⅰ、Ⅱ层外,极间核、口核、感觉主核、躯体感觉皮层等可见FLN的表达;臂旁核、室旁核、中央杏仁核等与痛调节有关的内脏中继核团亦可见FLN的表达。

17. Objective: To detect whether there is neurotropism following end-to-side neurorrhaphy of sensory nerve.


18. Nowadays, movie culture has become a part of teen life experience. It integrates thinking and learning through image with situated concrete sensory experience, from which students can understand the connotation of movies as well as obtain knowledge and experience.


19. Results: There were different degree of distending pain and sensory disability presented in the injected position after injection. The numbness disappeared after 1 to 3 month. Return visit examination after 1 month showed that pain of 52 cases disappeared and 9 cases remitted, remission rate was 97%. 57 cases were followed-up surveyed after 6 months, 4 cases recurred and recurrence rate was 7%. 50 cases were followed-up surveyed after 3 years, 11 cases recurred and recurrence rate was 22%.


20. Acute transverse myelitis is a neurological disease. Bilateral motor, sensory and autonomic symptoms are common, but vertigo is rarely seen. A 50-year-old female patient presented with persistent vertigo, a frontal headache, blurred vision, nausea, vomiting and lower limb weakness.


sensory 词典解释

1. 感官的;感觉的

Sensory means relating to the physical senses.

e.g. ...sensory information passing through the spinal cord.


e.g. ...our body's sensory system.


sensory 单语例句sensory的近义词

1. Her stories and novels have a heightened sensibility toward anything visual or sensory but most film adaptations have failed to capture her exquisite essence.

2. The drug was supposed to treat symptoms related to cognition and sensory nerve damage.

3. While it may be inconvenient to replicate certain defects, sensory depravation is comparatively easy to undergo.

4. The distinctive taste and texture of each kind of cheese will complete the heavenly sensory journey.

5. They have more activity in brain areas involved in processing the sensory information we're bombarded with daily.

6. And the other one accounts for an enormous proportion for the total sensory inflow that's associated with speech.

7. You might get sick from a temporary sensory overload, but its temptation is a lasting one.

8. Well, you're not going to get that kind of sensory feedback on Facebook.

9. Its authentic sensory experience which is a perfect city escape balances body, mind and soul in private tranquility.

10. His " sensory cuisine " uses quality fresh and seasonal ingredients and is designed to surprise and stimulate the senses of diners.

sensory 英英释义



1. involving or derived from the senses

e.g. sensory experience

sensory channels

Synonym: sensorial

2. relating to or concerned in sensation

e.g. the sensory cortex

sensory organs

Synonym: sensational