

leprosy:[英 [ˈleprəsi] 美 [ˈlɛprəsi] ]


leprosy 基本解释

名词麻风病; 大麻风

leprosy 网络解释

1. 麻风:[概述] 麻风(leprosy)是由麻风分支杆菌引起的一种慢性传染病,主要侵犯皮肤和周围神经,在抵抗力低的病例中,到了中、晚期可累及深部组织和内脏器官. 麻风很少引起死亡,但可导致肢体残废和畸形,使患者丧失劳动力.

2. 麻疯:放逐是古老对抗束手无策疾病的方式之一,在无知的年代,麻疯(leprosy)患者的畸形丑怪让他们成了遗世隔绝的一群,困居在人烟绝迹的深山任其自生自灭,由如中世纪的「疯人船」在河流上漂流.

3. 麻疯病:疾病控制厅医师提醒,麻疯病(Leprosy)并没从泰国土地上消失. 据疾病控制厅统计,2007年泰国新增麻疯病患者423例,目前共有1262人在医院登记治疗. 而因患麻疯病而残疾的患者,也达3800多名. 医师介绍,麻疯病(中文又作麻疯病、癞病等).

leprosy 双语例句

1. leprosy什么意思

1. 2 If leprosy breaks out on the skin and, as far as the priest can see, covers all the skin of the stricken man from head to foot


2. leprosy的意思

2. The priest shall view him, and shall judge that the leprosy which he has is very clean: because it is all turned into whiteness, and therefore the man shall be clean.


3. leprosy的解释

3. Should the priest then, on examining him, find that the leprosy does cover his whole body, he shall declare the stricken man clean; since it has all turned white, the man is clean.


4. AHRI/ALERT was also involved in demonstrating the first cases of Dapson resistant leprosy which led to the WHO initiative of multi-drug treatment of leprosy.


5. But then God smotehim with leprosy (v19) and he quickly went out of the temple.


6. I mean, I'll probably catch leprosy from the water, but otherwise I'm okay.


7. When you come into the land of Canaan, which I give you for a possession, and I put the infection of leprosy in a house in the land of your possession

14:34 你们进了我赐给你们为业的迦南地,我若使你们所得为业之地的房屋中有麻风的灾病

8. When ye be come into the land of Canaan, which I give to you for a possession, and I put the plague of leprosy in a house of the land of your possession

14:34 你们到了我赐给你们为业的迦南地,我若使你们所得为业之地的房屋中有***疯的灾病

9. And if after this there appear in those places that before were without spot, a flying and wandering leprosy: it must be burnt with fire.



10. Leprosy -- also called Hansen's disease -- is a bacterial disease that causes skin wounds and nerve damage.


11. It belongs to the same family of bacteria as those that cause tuberculosis and Hansen's disease, also known as leprosy.


12. Meanwhile, researchers at another institute in Beijing have announced promising early results from animal studies which use a leprosy drug called clofazimine to treat TB.


13. 8 The men who had leprosy reached the edge of the camp and entered one of the tents.

7:8 那些长大麻疯的到了营边、进了帐棚、吃了、喝了、且从其中拿出金银、和衣服来、去收藏了。

14. In China frankincense was thought to be a treatment for leprosy.


15. For example, large cities alse have hospitals of traditional Chinese medcine, children's hospitals, infection hospitals, tumor hospitals, tuberculosis hospitals, and some even with psychiatric hospitals, leprosy hospitals and plastic surgery hospitals.


16. But Naaman went away angry and said, I thought that he would surely come out to me and stand and call on the name of the LORD his God, wave his hand over the spot and cure me of my leprosy.

05:11 乃缦却发怒走了,说,我想他必定出来见我,站着求告耶和华他神的名,在患处以上摇手,治好这大麻疯。

17. But Naaman went away angry, saying, " I thought that he would surely come out and stand there to invoke the LORD his God, and would move his hand over the spot, and thus cure the leprosy.


18. During the past six months, there had been the progressive appearance of anesthetic annular plaques over the arms, left foot and face. The histopathology of a skin biopsy showed a non-Gaseous granulomatous infection with dermal nerve destruction. The diagnosis of borderline tuberculoid leprosy was made from the clinical features and histopathology of the skin biopsy. The patient was sent back to Indonesia after confirmation of a diagnosis, so we cannot give any follow-up information on her condition.

本病例为34岁女性印尼雇佣,最近半年陆续於手臂、左脚和脸部出现感觉丧失的环型斑块,病理切片下呈现非乾酪坏死性肉芽肿且有真皮神经破坏的现象,综合临床与病理表现,我们诊断为「中间型类结核型麻风(Borderline Tubercu-loid leprosy)」,另因患者本身为外籍劳工,所以在诊断确立后已被遣送回国,故无法继续追踪其后续治疗情形。


19. This is the law for all manner of plague of leprosy, and scall

14:54 这是为各类大麻疯的灾病和头疥

20. Why, this Will lug your priests and servants from your sides, Pluck stout men's pillows from below their heads- This yellow slave Will knit and break religions, bless th'accurs'd, Make the hoar leprosy ador'd, place thieves And give them title, knee, and approbation, With senators on the bench. This is it That makes the wappen'd widow wed again- She whom the spital-house and ulcerous sores Would cast the gorge at this embalms and spices To th'April day again.


leprosy 词典解释

1. 麻风(病)

Leprosy is an infectious disease that damages people's flesh.

leprosy 单语例句leprosy的翻译

1. Japanese lawmakers plan to compensate former leprosy patients in South Korea and Taiwan who were forcibly secluded under Japanese colonial rule.

2. The eye operations were carried out in a disused school because no hospital in the area would admit the recovered leprosy victims.

3. Other schools were built to teach children of parents affected by leprosy, and to educate physically handicapped and developmentally delayed children.

4. India is home to almost 70 percent of the world's leprosy sufferers.

5. In those areas that the disease had broken out in early decades, people are unwilling to marry their child to someone with a family history of leprosy.

6. One woman they discovered is a victim of leprosy who is spending her twilight years in a Guangdong province hospital.

7. This continued long after it was established that leprosy could not be contracted simply by touching someone with the disease.

8. Despite its debilitating effects, experts have stressed that leprosy can be treated and is not highly infectious.

9. He was exiled to the remote leprosy village of Ganluo in Sichuan when he was diagnosed with the disease 40 years ago.

10. Their son who was born in the village and today works at a hospital helping leprosy victims.

leprosy 英英释义



1. chronic granulomatous communicable disease occurring in tropical and subtropical regions

characterized by inflamed nodules beneath the skin and wasting of body parts

caused by the bacillus Mycobacterium leprae

Synonym: Hansen's disease