

indirect:[英 [ˌɪndəˈrekt] 美 [ˌɪndɪˈrɛkt, -daɪ-] ]


indirect 基本解释

形容词间接的; 不直截了当的; 闪烁其词的; 不坦率的

indirect 同义词



indirect 反义词


indirect 相关例句


1. indirect

1. We went to the house by an indirect road.


2. We took an indirect route to the town.



3. An indirect benefit of a night light is a feeling of safety.


indirect 网络解释

1. 间接:[动动脑]:如何利用(Direct)与(Indirect)吸纳消费券?即使是常见的商业促销手法,若能掌握其原理(如提示),加以(Improve)或(Put to other use),创意就源源不绝了. (待续)

2. 间接性:就企业采购的角度来看,B2B电子商务目前主要可分为两种模式,一种是与生产直接相关的直接性(Direct)物料采购,另一种则是间接性(Indirect)的物料采购(Maintenance间接性物料(MRO)是指企业所采购的不是构成企业所生产的最终产品的产品或服务,

3. indirect

3. 返回由文本值表示的引用:INDEX 使用索引从引用或数组中选择值 | INDIRECT 返回由文本值表示的引用 | LOOKUP 在向量或数组中查找值

indirect 双语例句

1. It is alsodifficult to build reliable relationship between test results and actual bearing capacityof single pile by indirect methods such as Dynamic Method, Standard PenetrationTest and Osterberg Method because of differences between load bearing mechanismsin reality and ones of those methods.


2. An indirect enzyme linked absorbent assays to measure the antibody against haemophilus influenzae type b outer menbrane protions was established and combined with antigen detection from blood and urine. 70 cases of pneumonia and 30 cases of healthy control were investigated.


3. Early chemists had to use indirect means for determining the atomic mass of an element.


4. indirect的近义词

4. Moreover, ELISA protocol has been established with the two kind of antibodies.1 Preparation and identification of anti-hBLyS polyclonal antibodyJapanese big ear white male rabbits (2~3 kg) were injected with soluble hBLyS emulsified with Freund's adjuvant every two weeks. The rabbits were bleed from the ear artery on the 11~th day since the third time immunization, and the titer of antisera was tested by indirect ELISA. Antisera titer reach to 1:5 × 10~5. Rabbits were killed, and blood was collected. Antisera was prepared and purifid with saturated ammonoium sulfate.


5. Indirect discrimination can occur if there are rules or requirements which apply to everyone, but which have the effect of disadvantaging one group and are not reasonable in the circumstances.


6. indirect的解释

6. Indirect discrimination can occur if there are rules or requirements that apply to everyone, but which have the effect of disadvantaging one group and are not reasonable in the circumstances.


7. While many analysts believe that Apple's patent infringement lawsuit against HTC is actually just an indirect war against Web giant Google, Apple may be reaping the benefits long before the lawsuit is settled.


8. They have an indirect life cycle, with fish serving as both intermediate and final hosts.


9. indirect的意思

9. Comparison of the cycle efficiency of direct cycle helium cooled reactors with those of indirect cycle helium cooled reactors.


10. Land use change becomes the stimulative factor of water resources and water environmental change through its direct or indirect impact on water cycle.


11. Land use change becomes the stimulative factor of water resources and water environmental change through its direct or indirect impact on water cycle. On the opposite, water resources constraint restricts land use as well.


12. Based on freeze thaw cycle indirect tensile test, a further study of moisture susceptibility for some familiar graded HMA mixtures is carried out through modification of immersion conditions, and a new method of...



13. The air-to-air heat exchanger is an important component in an indirect eva-porative cooling cycle.


14. It pays attention on the present condition of foreign— invested manufacturing industry from the aspect of distribution of output countries, geographical layout of FDI, means of investment and industrial pattern. What is more important is that this discourse also measures the direct and indirect effect of FDI on manufacturing industry in Jiangsu province. And it makes an experimental research on three effect of foreign — invested enterprises such as capital—forming effect, technological spillover effect and industrial cluster effect.


15. There are two methods of disclosing cash flows from operating activities: the direct method and the indirect method.


16. Loanword is a production of direct contact and indirect contact among different nations.


17. Electrocatalytic oxidation is further carried out in the presence of the ·OH radical scavenger tert -butyl alcohol, which indicates that both direct and indirect oxidation are responsible for the degradation of phenol.


18. Viewing from different angles, one can see the features the transfer payment embodies:redistribution, gratuitousness, presentation and indirect regulation.



19. While the wildlife species is mainly constituted by the direct use value, indirect use value and the relics value. The direct use value includes the use of meat, medicine, skin feather etc. This part can be evaluated by means of the marker price. The other two kinds of values can be measured by Contingent Value Method.



20. Explained the method of using indirect way to control output voltage amplitude and phase in order to achieve power share.


indirect 词典解释

1. 间接的;非直接的

An indirect result or effect is not caused immediately and obviously by a thing or person, but happens because of something else that they have done.

e.g. Businesses are feeling the indirect effects from the recession that's going on elsewhere...


e.g. Millions could die of hunger as an indirect result of the war...



Drugs are indirectly responsible for the violence...


The president is indirectly elected by parliament...


Indirectly, I did cause her death. I shouldn't have left her there.


2. (路线、行程等)迂回的,非直达的

An indirect route or journey does not use the shortest or easiest way between two places.

e.g. The goods went by a rather indirect route.


3. (话语或信息)含蓄的,拐弯抹角的

Indirect remarks and information suggest something or refer to it, without actually mentioning it or stating it clearly.

e.g. His remarks amounted to an indirect appeal for economic aid...


e.g. There were indirect references to his opponent...



He referred indirectly to the territorial dispute.

他含蓄地提及了领土争端。indirect 单语例句indirect的意思

1. A 2002 peace initiative by the Arab League made only indirect reference to the refugees, giving some Israelis hope.

2. Compared with direct emissions reductions in industry, forest carbon sinks are a kind of indirect emissions reduction.

3. The secondary footprint is the indirect carbon dioxide emissions from the life cycle of any products associated with manufacturing.

4. Although the account freeze directly involves only a US $ 24 million loss for the DPRK, its actual direct and indirect losses could reach US $ 2 billion.

5. This is a tough challenge for China, with its financial system mainly based on indirect finance.

6. They were the first batch of passengers on the 32 indirect chartered flights scheduled by six Taiwanese airlines during the coming Spring Festival holiday.

7. They have developed the first " indirect evaporation chiller " for cooling water by using evaporation refrigeration technical equipment.

8. The plant will use Shell's indirect coal liquefaction technology, which turns coal to gas and then liquefies it into fuels.

9. The project would have used Shell's indirect coal liquefaction technology, which turns coal first to gas and then liquefies it into fuels.

10. The centre mainly explores and develops direct and indirect coal liquefaction technologies, said the engineer.

indirect的意思indirect 英英释义


1. not direct in spatial dimension

not leading by a straight line or course to a destination

e.g. sometimes taking an indirect path saves time

you must take an indirect course in sailing

2. extended senses

not direct in manner or language or behavior or action

e.g. making indirect but legitimate inquiries

an indirect insult

doubtless they had some indirect purpose in mind

though his methods are indirect they are not dishonest

known as a shady indirect fellow

3. having intervening factors or persons or influences

e.g. reflection from the ceiling provided a soft indirect light

indirect evidence

an indirect cause

4. descended from a common ancestor but through different lines

e.g. cousins are collateral relatives

an indirect descendant of the Stuarts

Synonym: collateral

5. not as a direct effect or consequence

e.g. indirect benefits

an indirect advantage