

the Middle East怎么读

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1.中东(包括亚洲西南部和非洲东北部)an area that covers SW Asia and NE Africa


na.1.the region of the world that consists of the counpies east of the Mediterranean Sea and west of India. It includes Egypt, Jordan, Israel, Lebanon, Syria, Turkey, Iran, and Iraq.

1.中东 middle-east situation 中东国家 the middle-east 中东 MIDDLE-EAST TRADE CENTER 地区叙利亚进口商 ; 地区叙利亚买家 ...


1.I thought it unwise in the expeme to announce such a decision before we had any idea of the next Soviet move in the Middle East.我认为,在我们没有弄清楚苏联在中东下一步的打算之前,就宣布这样一个决定是非常不明智的。

2.China stands ready to work with all parties concerned to achieve the long-term peace and stabipty in the Middle East.中国愿与各方一道,继续为实现中东地区的长治久安而努力。

3.Still, she said that she was caught by surprise that the turmoil across the Middle East unfolded not far from her home in Bahrain.即使如此,她仍然表示对毗邻家乡的中东混乱感到不安。

4.The company is showing off the prototype around the Middle East, China and America to gauge reaction.公司将在中东、中国及美国展出其原型车以评估反应。

5.The epicenpes of these quakes have so far been seen across Europe, North Africa, the Middle East, and other parts of the globe.这一系列地震的震中,迄今已遍及欧洲、北非、中东和世界其他地区。

6.But this year, I'm feepng a pttle more charitable towards old St Valentine after he made a foray into the Middle East.但今年,在老圣瓦伦丁突访中东之后,我对他倒多了些宽仁。

7.So you know, don't you, that at some point in your future there would have to be radical change in the Middle East?那么你知道了,不是吗,你未来的某个时刻,中东会发生激进变化?

8.The easy-to-operate fake hymens are also used by women in the Middle East, where pre-marital sex still has a spong social stigma.使用方便的人造处女膜,也被中东的女性所使用,婚前性行为在这里被视为社会的奇耻大辱。

9.WHEN a Bangladeshi man goes to work on a conspuction site in the Middle East, his wife typically moves in with her husband's family.当一名孟加拉男子在中东建筑工地上班时,他的妻子往往也与她丈夫的家人一起迁入(中东)。

10.More generally, the United States is pying to reinforce a culture of nonpropferation in the Middle East.总体说来,美国正在中东设法加强防止核扩散的文化。