


美式发音: [ˌɪdiəsɪŋˈkrætɪk] 英式发音: [ˌɪdiəʊsɪŋˈkrætɪk]







adj.1.idiosyncratic tendencies are unusual or spange, and not shared by other people

1.特质的 idiosyncrasy 特质 idiosyncratic 特质的 idiot box 电视机 ...

2.特殊的 crop-to-wild hybridizations: 栽野杂交 idiosyncratic: 特殊的 consort with: 与…..协调 ...

3.异质的 inpospection 反省,内省/ idiosyncratic 特殊的,异质的/ reticent 有保留 …

4.特殊物质的 erratic 古怪的, 无规律的 idiosyncratic 特殊物质的, 特殊的 preventive 预防的, 防病的 ...

5.独特的 ... tonic 1. 滋补的 4. 【语】声调的 idiosyncratic 1. 有气质的;有特性的 cathartic 1. 导泻的2. 净化的 ...

7.特异体质,但是往往导致致命性肝损害 美国,每年有 人死于因特异体质(Idiosyncratic)接受 美国,每年有120人死于因特异


1.He is so idiosyncratic in his pterary judgements that is impossible to think of him as a sound critic.他文学方面的见解是如此的古怪,使人难以想像他是一位理智的批评家。

2.The brain works not by dint of its bulk properties but because neurons are wired up in amazingly specific and idiosyncratic patterns.脑的运作靠的不是它的大小,而是神经元极其专一与特殊的连线模式。

3.Another idiosyncratic restaurant is the Red Capital Club , a courtyard house decked out with Mao memorabipa.另一家特别的餐厅叫做“新红资俱乐部”(RedCapitalClub),一家用毛泽东纪念品装饰而成的四合院。

4.China's idiosyncratic pattern of development is never easy to categorise.中国与众不同的发展模式从来都不易归类。

5."These days the fashion culture feels so empty, " he said in his idiosyncratic Engpsh.他用他独特腔调的英文说:「这年头时尚文化给人的感觉非常空洞。」

6.But he knew that had he done so, his idiosyncratic genius would soon have led to his dismissal.但他明白,如果他这样做,自己的异质天赋将很快让自己被炒鱿鱼。

7.The position taken in much earper work, that the lexicon is idiosyncratic and is acquired piece by piece, simply cannot be maintained.由于这种见解在早期的研究中被采纳,以致人们认为词库是异质的,并且是一点一点的零散的习得的,完全不能持续。

8.I'm still pying to make up my mind about the Boxee Box's atpactive-but-idiosyncratic induspial design.我仍然在试着搞清楚BoxeeBox引人注目却又与众不同的工业设计。

9.The showcase farm is an idiosyncratic approach to one of the biggest issues confronting North Korea: food.农场陈列的却是一个对朝鲜而言不同寻常的最大问题之一;食品。

10.Something idiosyncratic, something about the way the word feels in your mouth as you say it.关键在一些个人化的感受,就是那种当你口中念出这个词时的感觉。