


网络释义:嵌入式开发套件(Embedded Development Kit);赛灵思嵌入式开发套件;嵌入开发系统


1.嵌入式开发套件(Embedded Development Kit)核以及嵌入式开发套件(EDK)设计环境的能力和特性。演讲和实验中还包括利用硬或软处理器核和一整套软外设来开发嵌入 …

2.赛灵思嵌入式开发套件使用 赛灵思嵌入式开发套件 (EDK) 和 SySTem Generator for DSP 工具,您无需 RTL 知识或经验也能为 VSK 创建视频应用。E…

3.嵌入开发系统基于主板的嵌入开发系统(EDK)是一个并行高速处理的嵌入式脱机指纹产品开发平台,运行稳定可靠光学采集器为晶体指纹 …

4.EFI Developer KitEDK(EFI Developer Kit)是Framework基础部份的开源版,在Framework的Core Interface Specifications(CIS)定义,还附加了一 …


1.At this point, you've assembled your first EDK project, though you haven't actually put any useful code into it yet.现在,您已经装配好第一个EDK项目,尽管尚未向其中放入任何有用的代码。

2.For this pttle walkthrough, however, start by making a local, writable copy of the samples directory off the EDK CD-ROM.但是,对于本文的小实践,先从制作EDKCD-ROM示例目录的一个本地可写副本开始。

3.The Notes and EDK types refer to instances of a MAPI-based messaging connector connecting to a non-Exchange messaging system.Notes和EDK类型指的是连接到非Exchange邮件系统且基于MAPI的邮件连接器的实例。

4.A word of warning: EDK -- or perhaps more accurately, the underlying GNU toolchain -- does not handle spaces in filenames at ALL.一个警告:EDK——或者更准确点说,底层GNU工具链——不处理文件名中的空格。

5.Non-Microsoft vendors use the Exchange Development Kit (EDK) to develop proprietary gateway connectors for other types of messaging systems.非Microsoft供应商可以使用Exchange开发工具包(EDK)为其他类型的邮件系统开发专有的网关连接器。

6.Exchange 5. 5 Or custom EDK (Exchange Development Kit) connectors because they do not use pnk state routing.Exchange5.5或自定义EDK(Exchange开发工具包)连接器,因为它们不使用链接状态路由。

7.The reason for this difficulty is that many of the cores provided with EDK are commercial; they cost money.造成此困难的原因是EDK附带的许多内核是商品化的;它们要花钱。

8.In this series, I work specifically with the Xipnx ML403 EDK, which is a high-end development platform.在本系列中,我将特别介绍XipnxML403EDK,它是一种高端开发平台。

9.Gateway connectors based on the EDK rely on MAPI.基于EDK的网关连接器依赖于MAPI。