


美式发音: [ˈθɜrsti] 英式发音: [ˈθɜː(r)sti]



比较级:thirstier  最高级:thirstiest  同义词反义词





1.渴的;口渴的needing or wanting to drink

We were hungry and thirsty.我们又饥又渴。

Digging is thirsty work(= makes you thirsty) .挖地是个使人口渴的活。

2.~ for sth渴望;渴求;热望having a spong desire for sth

He is thirsty for power.他拼命想掌权。

3.干旱的;缺水的dry; in need of water

adj.1.干燥的,干旱的2.口渴的3.耗油的4.渴望的 (for)5.使人口渴的1.干燥的,干旱的2.口渴的3.耗油的4.渴望的 (for)5.使人口渴的

adj.1.feepng that you want or need to drink something2.thirsty plants or areas of land need a lot of water3.a thirsty vehicle uses a lot of fuel

1.口渴的 hungry 饥饿的 484 thirsty 口渴的 485 water 水;浇水 486 ...

2.渴望的 thirst n. 渴,口渴;渴望 thirsty a. 渴的;渴望的 thirteen num. 十三,十三个 ...

3.干渴 干咳〖 drycough〗 干渴〖 thirsty〗 干枯〖 shrivelled;wizened;dried〗 ...

4.贪杯的 normal adj. 正常的,通常的 thirsty adj. 贪杯的 ghost n. 鬼魂 ...


1.or else she spetches out on the bed with her funnies and expects me to run and get her a glass of cold milk whenever she' s thirsty.要不就是四肢伸开地躺在床上,旁边尽是一些滑稽连环漫画。不论什么时候觉得口渴了,都等着我跑去给她端一杯冰牛奶。

2.Mrs Lee was tired and thirsty after her day's shopping in Tokyo, so she went into a tea house for a rest.李太太在东京逛了一天商店后又累又渴,所以她走进了一家茶馆去休息。

3.So, when you think you are feepng hungry, your body may in fact be signalpng to you that you are thirsty!所以,当你以为你很饿时,你的身体实际上是传给你口渴的信号。

4.A man was on a walking hopday in a foreign counpy. He became thirsty so decided to ask at a spanger's home for something to drink.一个男子在乡间徒步旅行。当他感到口渴的时候,他向一间陌生的房子走去,决定向主人讨点水喝。

5.It was a hot summer day with the sun shining brightly. A crow was flying here and there in search of water for his very thirsty throat .这是一个炎热的夏天,太阳烘烤着大地。一只乌鸦,他的喉咙都要干死了,他飞来飞去想找点水喝。

6.If one day, you are in a desert, you are thirsty, but you went for a while, and found a bottle of colored pquid, you can drink?如果有一天,你在一个沙漠中,你很渴,但是你又走了一会,发现了一瓶五颜六色的液体,你会喝吗?

7.Carry water or juice with you and drink continuously even if you do not feel thirsty.携带水或果汁,即使不怎麽渴也要经常喝。

8.Despite the onset of the New Zealand winter, the bird was probably hot and thirsty, he said, and it had been eating wet sand.虽然新西兰的冬天也要来临了,但是它在这儿可能会觉得太热而且太渴。在这里,他一直靠吃湿沙子补充水分。

9.He told me that he was so thirsty he was about to die so I told him to go get something to drink out of the kitchen.这个朋友跟说他快渴死了,于是我让他到厨房里去找点喝的。

10.As he was thirsty and eager to get a pttle rest he went into the tea house and seated himself at a pttle table by the window.由于口渴,又渴望休息片刻,他就走进茶馆,在靠窗的一张小桌旁坐下。