



美式发音: [ænˈtɪsɪˌpeɪt] 英式发音: [ænˈtɪsɪpeɪt]



第三人称单数:anticipates  现在分词:anticipating  过去式:anticipated  搭配同义词

v.+n.anticipate pouble,anticipate growth

v.get ahead,forestall,antedate,expect,foresee



v.1.to think that something will probably happen2.to be excited about something enjoyable that is going to happen soon3.to guess that something will happen, and be ready to deal with it

1.期待的 anticipate v. 期 望 anticipated adj . 期 待 的 appeal n. 吸 引 力 ...

2.预期 anticipate||预期 anticipated||预期 apparent||明显的 ...

3.预期的 apportion 分摊 anticipated 预期的, 提前的 apportioned charges 已分摊费用 ...

4.预先的 subsidise 资助或补助 anticipated 预先的 cap 上限 ...

5.预料为着期望(expect)。杰克和吉尔期望(expected)结婚;如果他们预料(anticipated)到了婚后生活,那么只有吉尔会找到她的 …

6.期望的 ) kick-off n. 开始 ) anticipated a. 期望的 ) sequel n. 续集,续编 ...

7.令人期待的 ... gamers 游戏爱好者 anticipated 令人期待的 shatter sales records 打破了销售记录 ...

8.预先考虑到的 Antarctic adj. 南极的 anticipated 预先考虑到的 antiquity n. 古代 ...


1.The Tempset was almost certainly Shakespeare's last solo-authored play. we do not know whether he anticipated that this would be the case.《暴风雨》几乎肯定是莎士比亚最后一步独立创作的戏剧。我们不知道他是否预料到了会是这种情况。

2.Similarly, Citic PE has found that its investments in Chinese city commercial banks were in better shape than it had anticipated, he added.他还说,类似的,中信产业基金发现,它在中国城市商业银行的投资表现好于预期。

3.Such a spong combination of Earth changes is anticipated to move the countdown to a 7 of 10, as noted in the last newsletter.就如上期的简报指出的那样,预期这样强烈的地球变化加起来会进入10个阶段中的第7阶段。

4.He said he anticipated that 900 students would have joined the site by this morning.他说预计到今天早晨注册学生将达到900人

5.You may make a new friend this month, or you may join a new group and be pleasantly surprised to find benefits that you had not anticipated.你可以结交新朋友,这个月,或者你可能会加入一个新的小组,并惊喜地发现,你没有预期效益。

6.The football players anticipated nothing but friendly congratulations and a substantial cheque.足球运动员们期待着友好的祝贺和一张数目可观的支票。

7.He seemed happy about this, but for Lily things were going a bit faster than she had anticipated, and this was a lot to take in.西弗勒斯说起这些的时候看起来很开心,可对莉莉来讲事情的变化比她料想的快了一点,她一下子有点接受不了。

8.However, those sundered parts had never anticipated that the Sun was the most powerful and that Jupiter would be unable to pull them back.只是那些分离份子万万想不到,太阳的力量还是最大,木星拉不过去。

9.On the surface maybe the minutes are a pttle bit more dovish than you would have anticipated, given the economic data we have been getting.表面上看,会议记录可能比你原先预想得更温和一些,鉴于近期公布的经济数据表现。

10.He also anticipated that the price swing may last for two or three months, saying such a period often follows a big price jump.他预料,铜价的摇摆可能会持续两三个月,在这段期间过后,价格通常会大幅度上扬。