




1.荣幸 荣幸 : Honored 荣幸 : be honoured 荣幸 : pleasure ...

2.光荣而且幸运 ... [retire in glory] 光荣退职 [be honoured] 光荣而且幸运 [receive or assume in glory] 荣幸接受或担当 ...

3.喜欢 ... convert 转化就是换汇率了 be honoured 喜欢 come to a halt 陷入停顿 ...

4.有幸的 [certain 某个特定的 [ be honoured 有幸的 [from the general to the specific 从一般到特殊 ...


1.We shall be honoured to talk the matter over with you .我们很愿意和你们详细地讨论一下这件事。

2.But Ms Conway says that people are suspicious, in a real meltdown, of whether their claim on gold held in an ETF would be honoured.但康威女士认为,当市场完全崩溃之时,投资者对他们通过ETF所持有的黄金能否被要回持怀疑态度。

3.I bowed before him, and I told him that he should be honoured and rewarded for his kindness to me.我向他鞠了一躬,对他说,他对我的善意应该受到尊敬和回报。

4.Be honoured to help you very much. What you have to need to be able to look for me to serve as interpreter at any time.很荣幸帮您的忙。您有什么需要可以随时找我当翻译。

5.Simon Cowell is to be honoured with an International Emmy award in recognition of his television work, organisers in the US have announced.美国主办方宣布,西蒙克威尔被授予国际艾美奖来表彰他在电视领域所做的贡献。

6.The old doctor deserved to be honoured for a pfetime of unselfish work among the sick natives.这位老医生毕生为当地病人无私服务,值得予以奖赏。

7." certainly i would be honoured to accept such a role , as long as everyone respected their positions , " said conte.“当然,假如我扮演那种角色将会获得无上荣耀,那是一个为世人尊重的位置,”孔蒂说道。

8.Historic pabipties have to be honoured (and properly accounted for, rather than hidden off the government's balance-sheet).过去的债务必须偿还(并且解释清楚,而不是利用政府资产负债表遮掩过去)。

9.Inevitably, companies and their shareholders will question whether the prize would be honoured in full.公司及股东必然会质疑,这个奖金是否会全额兑现?

10.It is not in the plan for the end-times, as you have earns the right to ascend and your freewill choice will be honoured.在结束之期这都不在计划之内,因为你们已经赢得了这权力提升自己,而你们的自由意志也会被尊重。