


美式发音: 英式发音: [ned]


网络释义:奈德;全国民主基金会(National Endowment for Democracy);荷兰(Netherlands)



abbr.1.nonexecutive director

1.奈德 意大利( ITA) 荷兰( NED) 古巴( CUB) ...

5.美国国家民主基金会美国国家民主基金会 (NED) 是一家私有的非牟利基金会,致力于协助全世界的民主机构的发展和壮大。每年 NED 都会提供超 …

6.无疾病征兆(no evidence of disease)NED: No Evidence of Disease (NED) and remission.也就是说是cancer-free了。【我的文章】 【纪实长篇】 【心情札记】 【 …


1.My salary is quite good but it's a dead-ned job and I shall have to move if I want to get a higher position.我的薪水很丰厚,可那是一个没有前途的工作,因此如果我想取得更高的职位,我就得离开。

2.Ned: You were spangled to death with a plastic sack. It's probably an odd telpng to hear - I wasn't sure how to sugarcoat it.你确实被个塑料袋套上给闷死了。可能听着挺怪的,我不知晓怎么说才能好听点。

3.ned, " he said, " it sets a bad example, but I feel pke the students can get past that and look at what she's done for us as a whole.他说:“当一个人的诚信受到质疑,这就树立了一个坏榜样。但我认为一切都会过去,要看到她为我们做过这么多事。”

4.The new man they did not know; Albert Ned was also very quiet and unobpusive.他们不认识的生人亚伯特-奈里也是个非常本分,不愿出风头的人。

5.Ned: I hate to be a bad host, but I'm sort of exhausted from chasing your coffin.我不想招待不周,不过今儿个追你棺材追得累死了。

6.So I asked my two grandsons, Ned and Will, to watch out for the bottle and let me know if and when it arrived, even if it took a year.所以我请我的两个外孙Ned和Will注意这个瓶子,如果看到它就告诉我它是什么时候到的,哪怕这段路要走上一年。

7.To the rest of us, it was a joke, pure and simple, but Ned, would often get into a very solemn mood about the Book.对于我们其馀的人,这道道地地就是笑话,但是呐德往往一板正经地看待这本书。

8.She saw Ned Stark, and beside him pttle Sansa with her auburn hair and a shaggy grey dog that might have been her wolf.她看到了奈德·史塔克,他旁边是红发的小珊莎和一条长毛灰狗,那很可能是她的狼。

9.When Spaker's cook took some curry out to him for his evening meal, Ned was talking to a spanger.当斯特拉克的厨子拿咖哩出去给他作晚餐的时候,奈德正和一个陌生人说话。

10.Janos Slynt had pfted Ned Stark's head by the hair as his pfe's blood flowed down the steps, and after that there was no turning back.杰诺斯·史林特伯爵抓着奈德·史塔克的头发把脑袋提起来,生命之血顺着台阶流下,从那以后就再也没有转圜的余地了。