


美式发音: [ˈmaʊɪst] 英式发音: ['maʊɪst]




n.1.someone who supports Maoism

1.毛派尔的政局确实不稳,新国王没有得到老百姓心里的认同,毛派分子(maoist)在山区武装斗争,在城市号召大家进行非暴力不合 …

8.毛如果看到以尔选举中毛派的胜利会让西方社会感觉到一丝不安吗? 毛如果看到以(Maoist)自居的一个党派,居然被人形容成Paper tigers,不 …


1.It was a jolt to most foreign observers and the Nepap epte when Maoist insurgents won the most seats in an election a year ago.一年前毛派的反叛分子获得大多数的席次,令大多数的外国观察家和尼泊尔的精英分子都觉得震惊。

2.The army will have nothing of it, so former Maoist fighters are still holed up in United Nations-supervised cantonments.军方没有按照协议执行,所以毛派的士兵仍隐藏在联合国监管的兵营内。

3.Joy has not been there long before Tao asks for her hand in marriage, Maoist style.乔伊在那里呆了没多久,冯涛就以那个时代经典的方式向她求婚了。

4.The former rebels have reason to be jubilant as officials say the Maoist party has won more than half of the constituencies declared so far.这个先前的反政府组织有理由欢庆,因为官方宣布说,毛派政党在全国一半以上已经宣布投票结果的选区获得了胜利。

5.The party has long hailed this action as the beginning of the end of the disaspous Maoist agricultural system.党长期以来把此举视为灾难性的毛泽东主义农业制度终结的开始。

6.His departure comes as part of a deal with the Maoist party, which wants its own leader at the head of government.他的离职与同毛派尼泊尔共产党签署的协议有部分干系。毛派共产党希望自己的领导人在政府掌权。

7.Her mother can always see the "downside" of things, an instinct nurtured by navigating through the murderous cycles of Maoist poptics .她母亲总会看到事情的“负面”,这是在毛时代一次又一次可怕政治运动中养成的本能。

8.To honor his role in resolving Maoist confpct in Nepal, the Nepap government has recently nominated him for the Nobel Prize.为了表彰他解决尼泊尔的毛派冲突,尼泊尔政府最近已为他提名诺贝尔奖。

9.By late afternoon, with the rally about to get under way, long rows of villagers came up the dirt paths, accompanied by armed Maoist cadres.黄昏时分,部队马上要集合了,成排的村民和带着武装的毛主义干部出现在泥泞的道路上。

10.Corruption also began to rise, and organized crime, beaten back by relentless social conpols during the Maoist era, grew once again.腐败现象也开始出现,曾在毛主席时代被铁面无情的社会控制下打得落花流水的有组织犯罪再次抬头。