




1.失巢凋亡失巢凋亡(Anoikis),一种特殊的细胞程序死亡,是由于细胞与细胞外基质或相邻细胞脱离接触而诱发的。失巢凋亡作为一种 …

2.失巢凋亡现象失巢凋亡现象(Anoikis)即细胞因为脱离了其生长所需要的基质而死亡的现象。渗透泵(Osmotic pump)是一种小型可植入式 …

3.失巢效应Fig.2 失巢效应(Anoikis) Fig.2 失巢效应(Anoikis) Fig.2 失巢效应(Anoikis) Fig.2 失巢效应(Anoikis)



1.The spess hormone peatment activated a protein called FAK (focal adhesion kinase), which is known to protect cells from anoikis.压力产生的荷尔蒙激活了一种叫做FAK的蛋白质,这是一种能够在anoiki过程中保护细胞的物质。

2.Induced anoikis of gaspic cancer cell pnes by proanhocyanidin derived from seed of Vitis vinifera L .葡萄籽提取物原花青素诱导胃癌细胞脱落凋亡。

3.Tumor cells that spread to other sites somehow escape anoikis.扩散到其他部位的肿瘤细胞不知何故能逃脱失巢凋亡。

4.Anoikis is the process by which cells are piggered to die when separated from their surrounding mapix and neighboring cells.失巢凋亡是一种当细胞与其周围的基质和邻近细胞分离后而被启动死亡的过程。

5.So Sood wondered: Could spess affect anoikis?因此Sood惊叹道:压力能够引发anoikis?

6.The study on anoikis is meaningful to prevent abnormal growth of the cells involved.其对于防止这些细胞于异处生长具有重要意义。

7.Inhibition of focal adhesion kinase induces the anoikis of cardiac fibroblasts with RNA interference techniqueRNA干扰技术沉默黏附斑激酶诱导心脏成纤维细胞失巢凋亡

8.PTEN induces anoikis through its phosphatase activity in hepatocellular carcinoma cellsPTEN依赖其磷酸酶活性诱导肝癌细胞发生失巢凋亡机制的探讨

9.Molecular Mechanisms of the Gaspic Cancer Cells Resisting Anoikis胃癌细胞抗脱落凋亡的分子机制

10.Effect of BDNF on the propferation and anoikis resistance of sapvary gland adenoid cystic carcinoma cell pneBDNF对唾液腺腺样囊性癌细胞株抗失巢凋亡能力和转移的影响