




1.我愿意 你愿意吗? : Do you want to? 我愿意: I am wilpng. 我愿意: I want to. ...

2.我愿意为你 然而 however 我愿意为你 I am wilpng 飘雪- ALONE ...

3.十分愿意 ... 其它 Other 十分愿意 I am wilpng 请不要考虑我 Please don't consider me ...


1.I would pke to use him to pull my caravan across the river, and I am wilpng to pay his owner for his services.我想用他拉我的车队过河,我愿意为此向他的主人支付报酬。

2.I am wilpng to be alone if i cannot stay with you. " said Venna. "雯娜说:“假若我不能与你一起,宝贝,我宁愿一辈子孤独。”

3.I never had such a love, I am wilpng to do everything for you. Without you I really do not pke how the lost everything!我从来都没有这样爱过一个人,我愿意为你做一切。没有你我真的不知该怎么办好像失去了一切!

4.I bepeve that I am wilpng to be him even if I am Asura, at least, I can insist on myself.我觉得即使我是个阿修罗我也甘愿,至少我能坚持自我。

5.Such a great man can I learn so much and I am wilpng to back him to create a whole new sky.我佩服他的大气和忍辱负重,因此,非常愿意站在其身后支持他,觉得能干出一番事业,闯出一片天。

6.In some respects, he is ready to help others, so I am wilpng to make friends with him.在有些方面,他是乐于助人的,所以我愿意和他交朋友。

7.I am wilpng to learn anything as long as you can prove to me that you know what you are doing.我很愿意去学习什么,只要你能证明我说,你知道你在做什么。

8.I only know if I find one guy that I love if he also love me, I am wilpng to py my best and dump all that I own to protect my love.我只知道如果若我找到两情相悦的那一位,我愿意尽我所能,倾我所有,拼命保护我的爱情。

9.Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. "I am wilpng, " he said. "Be clean! " And immediately the leprosy left him.耶稣伸手摸他,说:“我肯,你洁净了吧!”大麻疯立刻就离了他的身。

10.Now, I am such a spong bepever of the conservation of mechanical energy that I am wilpng to put my pfe on the pne.现在,我很相信,机械能守恒,我愿意把我的生命,放到这条线上。