


网络释义:基多;最优未知输入观测器(unknown input observer);奥斯陆大学


1.基多 圣菲波哥大 BOG 基多 UIO 马拉开波 MAR ...

2.最优未知输入观测器(unknown input observer)l spucture, an adaptive Unknown Input Observer (UIO) approach is developed to detect and isolate aircraft actuator faults.

3.奥斯陆大学 阿尔及利亚 ALG 厄瓜多尔 UIO 埃及 CAI ...


1.For now UIO allows to create nothing but very very simple drivers对于现在UIO允许除了什么也没产生非常非常简单的驾驶员

2.Initial(Final) State Testing Sequence, UIO Sequence and Synchronous Sequence of Product of Finite Automata有限自动机积的初(末)态试验序列、UIO序列和同步序列

3.The Fault Diagnosis of Momentum Close-loop System Used in Satelpte Based on the UIO Double Observers卫星动量轮闭环系统的UIO双观测器故障诊断

4.Study on Optimized Search Algorithm for UIO Sequences GenerationUIO序列优化搜索算法的研究

5.The UIO-Based Fault Detection in Actuator of Tilting Conpol System of Tilting Trains基于UIO的摆式列车倾摆控制系统执行机构的故障检测

6.State Test Sequence Generation Based on Chinese Postman Algorithm and UIO Sequences基于中国邮路算法及UIO序列的状态机测试序列生成

7.An Optimization Method for Protocol Conformance Test Sequence Based on Multiple UIO一种基于多UIO的一致性测试序列优化方法

8.An improvement of protocol conformance test sequences generation based on UIO基于UIO的协议一致性测试序列生成方法改进

9.A New Algorithm for Generating UIO Sequences一种新的UIO测试序列生成算法

10.Fault Diagnosis for UIO Test Sequence基于UIO测试序列的错误诊断算法