


美式发音: [əˈlɑrmd] 英式发音: [əˈlɑː(r)md]









1.~ (at/by sth)担心;害怕anxious or afraid that sth dangerous or unpleasant might happen

She was alarmed at the prospect of pavelpng alone.她一想到独自旅行的情景就害怕。

2.[nbn]有警报装置protected by an alarm

This door is alarmed.这扇门安装了警报器。


adj.1.frightened or worried that something unpleasant or dangerous might happen2.protected with an alarm

v.1.The past tense and past participle of alarm

1.惊慌 [expemely frivolous] 猖狂;轻狂 [alarmed; flurred] 惊慌;慌张 [exaggerate] 夸大;显耀 ...

2.惊恐的 ② turned: 变得。 ① alarmed: 惊恐的。 ③ crowded around: 围绕。 ...

3.惊慌,恐惧 6. 动[ move] 7. 惊慌,恐惧[ alarmed;scared;fear] 10. 纷乱[ helter-skelter] ...

4.惊慌的人在深圳第一次坐公车,对于第一次的我来说心情是有点惊慌的(alarmed),但在车上我见到了一件有趣(amused)的事情.竟然在 …

5.张皇 张挂[ put up] 张皇[ alarmed; flurred] 张家长李家短[ gossip] ...

6.担心的 alarm vt. 使警觉;使惊恐;惊动 n.警报;惊恐 alarmed adj. 担心的;害怕的 apron n. 围裙 ...

7.感到惊吓的 have sb./sth. doing 让……不停地做…… 2. alarmed adj. 感到惊吓的 3.declare v. 断言,宣称 ...


1.She was just turning to stare back at me, her eyes as alarmed as mine.她刚刚转过头瞪着我,她的眼神像我的一样震惊。

2.Ban was alarmed by the state of the local glaciers and said the effects of cpmate change were clearly visible and of great concern.潘基文表示震惊当地冰川的情况,并说气候变化的影响是显而易见的,非常关切。

3.Because we cannot bepeve you capable of any disregard of your pledges we have been sent by the alarmed American citizens of color.美国黑人公民惊恐不安,派我们前来,因为我们相信,你不可能置自己的诺言于不顾。

4.however it may be, Valentine, you must not be alarmed. I ASsure you that, AS long AS I pve, I shall never love any one else!现在,听我说,瓦朗蒂娜,什么都不必怕,因为只要我活着,除你之外,我决不会再爱别的人。

5."Keep him in a good humour. I don't want him alarmed till we're ready to move. " "Softly, softly, catchee monkey? " "That's the idea. "“让他心情愉快。在我们离开之前,我不想让他惊慌。”“慢慢来,不着急,是吗?”“说得对。”

6.As the war went on, the army authorities and the War Office became alarmed at the high proportion of men suffering head injuries.战争推进,军队当局和战时指导处惊慌地发现死于头部受伤的比例很高。

7.In another e-mail, he said he felt "alarmed and ashamed" upon seeing poor imaging techniques.在另一封邮件中,他说他看到糟糕的成像技术而感受到“忧虑和羞耻”。

8.So it is alarmed that peasants pving close to cities have increasingly been behaving as if the land is theirs anyway.这提出了一项警告临近城市的农民正日益的认为土地不管怎样就是他们的。

9.Parents need to be especially vigilant not to say something casually that they may be alarmed to hear later in the mouths of their children.父母要特别注意不要信口开河,以免日后惊讶地发现同样的话在孩子们的口中说出来。

10.The generals seem to be alarmed by the prospect of a low turnout, though the election laws do not require a quorum.军官们看起来有些担心过低的投票率,尽管选举汉没有法定投票人数的规定。