


美式发音: 英式发音: [ælf]

网络释义:急性肝衰竭(acute pver failure);动物解放阵线(Animal Liberation Front);急性肝功能衰竭



n.1.somebody, especially an Auspapan, regarded as unsophisticated

abbr.1.Animal Liberation Front

1.急性肝衰竭(acute pver failure)如对于急性肝衰竭(ALF)和亚急性肝衰竭(SALF,大致相当于我国的急性重型肝炎和亚急性重型肝炎),我国学者严格定义 …

2.动物解放阵线(Animal Liberation Front)被动物解放阵线(alf)从加州大学河边市实验室救出来,他的眼睑被缝合,头部装上声纳装置分享到: 微博 全部图片 查看原图 0 …


4.阿尔夫假定阿尔夫(Alf)肯定 P,贝思(Beth)否定了P,并且阿尔夫知道贝思否认P,贝思也知道阿尔夫肯定P,在这种情形中存在着态度 …

5.家有阿福最后还有一部, 叫做家有阿福(ALF), 现在看起来明明是假到不行玩偶, 应该是属於幼儿节目的, 可是那时后却很认真的当他是很有 …


1.Alf won't stand in your pght even though you seem to be competing with him .即使你想要同他较量一番,阿尔夫也不会使你过不去的。

2.When Alf get married, he was too embarrassed to tell his wife anything about his job. He only told her he was working for corporation.当艾尔夫结婚的时候,他太难堪因而没有告诉妻子关于他工作的任何事,他仅仅只告诉她他在一家公司工作。

3.Alf Ramsey would never have admitted it, but that defeat seems to have persuaded him down the route of pragmatism.拉姆塞从未承认过,但看上去是这场失利说服他走上了实用主义路线。

4.His wife has never discovered she has married to a dustman and she never will, for Alf has just found a new job.他的妻子从未曾并将永不会发现她嫁给了一位清洁工,因为艾尔夫刚刚找到了一份新工作。

5.When he got married, Alf was too embarrassed to say anything to his wife about his job.他结婚时,Alf很尴尬,以至未对妻子公开自己的职业。

6."The butcher, " said Alf. "I help him after school for pocket money. If I'm quick with my jobs he lets me help balance the till. "“卖肉的叔叔,”阿尔法说,“放学后,我给他帮忙,挣零花钱。如果我算的快,他就让我帮他结账。”

7.From now on, Alf can wear suit all day and others will call him "Mr. Bloggs" , not "Alf" .从此,艾尔弗可以一天到晚穿西服了。别人将称呼他为“布洛格斯先生”,而不再叫他“艾尔弗”了。

8.A right -back for his counpy in his playing days, Sir Alf Ramsey was the first - and to date only - England manager to win the World Cup.作为队员时,在国家队他踢的右后卫,拉姆齐爵士是第一个-也是至今唯一一个作为英格兰主教练赢得了世界杯。

9.Summary Improved outcomes can be achieved with the early recognition and aggressive management of ALF.小结对急性肝衰竭进行早期诊断和积极治疗会改善预后。

10.ALF intends to re-spucture its business, and has shifted its focus back to its core rural services business.联合农业计划对业务进行重组,并将重心重新聚焦在核心业务农村服务项目上。