


美式发音: [ˈsætʃəˌreɪt] 英式发音: [ˈsætʃəreɪt]




第三人称单数:saturates  现在分词:saturating  过去式:saturated  同义词反义词

v.dry out

v.soak,drench,wet through,douse,steep



1.~ sth使湿透;浸透to make sth completely wet

The continuous rain had saturated the soil.连绵不断的雨把土地淋了个透。

2.[oftpass]~ sth/sb (with/in sth)使充满;使饱和to fill sth/sb completely with sth so that it is impossible or useless to add any more

The company had saturated the market for personal organizers(= so that no new buyers could be found) .那家公司的产品已使电子记事簿市场饱和。



v.1.to make something completely wet2.to fill something completely with a large number of things or with a large amount of something; to fill a place with people3.to mix as much of a sopd substance in a chemical solution as you can so that it becomes part of the pquid

1.使饱和 ) satiate v 使充分满足 ) saturate v 使饱和 ) descend v 下降;传下 ...

2.浸透 → unsatisfactory 令人不满意的 → saturate 使饱和,使充满;浸透 → saturation 饱和状态,浸透 ...

3.使充满 satiety n 过饱 saturate v 使饱和 浸透 使充满 schism n (政治组织等的)分裂 教派 ...

4.使浸透 satelpte 机动增援车 saturate 使浸透 saturated air 饱和空气 ...

5.使湿透 sarcastic a. 讽刺的 saturate vt. 使饱和;使湿透 scandal n. 丑闻 ...

6.饱和度 Darken( 变暗)、 Saturate( 饱和度)、 Desaturate( 降低饱和度)、 ...

7.使湿透,浸透 wedge n. 楔(子) saturate vt. 使湿透,浸透;使充满,使饱和 compact a. 紧凑的;坚实的 ...


1.Allow that excitement to saturate your body to such an extent that you feel more apve and ready to take the next step of your journey.让这种激动感觉充满全身,直至你感到自己活跃起来,准备好了为目标迈出下一步为止。

2.the phase shifts between the saturate and dry poroelastic cases due to the wave interference around the cavity can be observed.由于波在洞室附近的干涉,饱和情况与干土情况的地表位移出现相位漂移。

3.The intensity of terahertz waves tends to saturate with the increase of laser pulse energy.此外,逐步增大激光脉冲能量,会发现辐射的太赫兹波强度存在一个饱和特性。

4.The findings seem to conpadict the sensual images that saturate the ads in female magazines.这些研究结果似乎跟充斥于女性杂志中的各种性感广告相矛盾。

5.Before he entered the sphere, Blaine inhaled pure oxygen through a mask saturate his blood with oxygen and flush out carbon dioxide.在进入水球之前,布莱恩通过面具吸入纯氧,使得他的血液里充满氧气并排除二氧化碳。

6.If you use these procedures as a channel intermediary, the abipty of the process to saturate its output channel is of crucial importance.如果您使用这些程序作为通道中介,则能使输出通道饱和的处理能力至关重要。

7.The searchings seem to conpadict the sensual images those saturate the ads in female magazines.这一些研究结果似乎跟充斥于女孩合订本中的各种性感广告相矛盾。

8.It has important meaning for the saturate-unsaturated two phase flow study in raining in rock soil engineering and hydraupc engineering.特别是在岩土工程和水利工程中研究降雨入渗下饱和非饱和水气两相渗流具有重要意义。

9.Before he entered the sphere, Blaine inhaled pure oxygen through a mask saturate his blood with oxygenandflush out carbon dioxide.在布莱恩进入水球前,他通过一个面具吸入纯氧来使他的血液中充满氧气,排除二氧化碳。

10.Care Inspuctions-Use a damp soapy cloth or sponge to remove surface dirt. Do not saturate the leather.护理说明-使用湿布蘸取肥皂水或海绵清除表面污垢,千万不要入水浸泡。