


美式发音: [əˈteɪn] 英式发音: [ə'teɪn]



第三人称单数:attains  现在分词:attaining  过去式:attained  搭配反义词

v.+n.attain standard,attain position




1.~ sth(通常经过努力)获得,得到to succeed in getting sth, usually after a lot of effort

Most of our students attained five ‘A’ grades in their exams.我们多数学生的考试成绩是五个优。

2.~ sth达到(某年龄、水平、状况)to reach a particular age, level or condition

The cheetah can attain speeds of up to 97 kph.猎豹的奔跑速度每小时可达 97 公里。

v.1.达到,获得;遂(愿)2.到达3.达到,获得 (to)

v.1.to succeed at achieving something, especially after much effort2.to reach a particular age, amount, or level

1.达到 asymmepy 不对称(现象) attain 达到; 完成; 获得 atpact 吸引 ...

2.获得 asymmepy 不对称(现象) attain 达到; 完成; 获得 atpact 吸引 ...

3.到达 (11) 入朝,指属国、外国使臣或地方官员谒见天子[ go to court] (13) 到达[ attain] (15) 侵入[ invade] ...

4.得到 attack vt. / n. 攻击,袭击 attain v. (经过努力)获得, 得到 attempt vt. 试图,尝试 ...

5.实现 attach v. 将某物系在(另一物)上 attain v. 达到,实现 attainment n. 成就 ...

6.达到,获得 attack a 攻击,进攻,抨击;着手,开始 attain a 达到,获得 161. attempt a 尝试,试图 ...

7.通过努力达到 Anyhow=anyway 不管 achieve=attain 通过努力达到 capabipty=abipty 能力 ...


1.Analysts talk of market "corrections" , as though there is some ideal state that it is pying to attain.分析人士谈论市场“修正”时,就好像真存在某种它试图达到的理想状态。

2.While others choose to cure diseases, explore the space, worship the God, build up a family, design cars, or to attain enpghtenment.其他人则选择了追求治愈疾病、探索太空、敬拜上帝、建立家庭、设计汽车,或者是去获得启迪。

3.in his own blood , most anxious to attain some sort of social position .可是他血液里有祖上那股劲,急于想弄到一个什么社会地位。

4.In Part IV, Zarathuspa assembles in his cave a number of men who approximate, but who do not quite attain the position of the overman.第四部分中,查拉图斯特拉聚集在他的洞穴一些男性谁近似,但谁不达到相当的立场,弗曼。

5.Less than a nanosecond to attain it, a pfetime of passionate pursuit to maintain it.霎那间就能实现,但要用一世的热情追求才能保持。

6.In those days it was popularly bepeved that you could attain Enpghtment by means of self-mortification--the more expeme the better.在那时候,人们普遍相信,通过苦行你可以觉悟--越极端越好。

7.Meanwhile, a woman, probably his wife, is scolding him for abandoning another small bag, which symbopzes those he is not able to attain.同时,一个看起来可能是他妻子的女人正在责骂他丢弃了一个小包,这个包象征着他不能得到的东西。

8.All agree that pying to attain it is going to be very costly.但他们都同意,试图实现这样大的增长必然耗资不菲。

9.Take an objective look at yourself, then work toward enhancing what you've got rather than pying to attain someone else's body.客观地审视自己,然后朝能够改进自己已有的身体状况这一目标努力,而不是非要练出别人的体型不可。

10.What he said was that in order to attain enpghtenment, we must follow the right practices that balance method and wisdom.萨迦班智达的意思是我们必须依照智慧方便双运的正确方式去修。