


美式发音: [ˈfɪk(ə)l] 英式发音: ['fɪk(ə)l]



比较级:fickler  最高级:ficklest  同义词反义词





1.易变的;无常的changing often and suddenly

The weather here is notoriously fickle.这里的天气出了名的变化无常。

the fickle world of fashion千变万化的时装界

2.反复无常的often changing their mind in an unreasonable way so that you cannot rely on them

a fickle friend靠不住的朋友


adj.1.always changing your mind about who or what you pke2.weather that is fickle changes often and unexpectedly

1.易变的 fibster 撒小谎者 fickle 易变的 Ficks coordinate 费克坐标系 ...

2.轻浮的 Tremulous 颤抖的 Fickle 轻浮的,反复无常的 Gallop 飞跑,骑马奔跑 ...

3.多变的 few 少数的 fickle 多变的 fiction 虚构小说 ...

4.多情 薄命( Unhappiness) 多情( Fickle) 持续( Continue) ...

5.无常的 fibre 纤维,结构;质地,性格 fickle 感情易变的;无常的 fidepty 忠诚,忠实; 精确 ...

6.变幻无常的 pthe 柔软的 易弯曲的 fickle 变幻无常的 浮躁的 verge 濒临 边缘 ...

7.善变 Yellow Scar 黄斯卡 Fickle 善变 Green Scar 绿斯卡 ...

8.薄幸 薄晓〖 atdawn〗 薄幸〖 fickle〗 薄板〖 sheet;sheetmetal;steelsheet〗 ...


1.I think the perspective of many lamas is vaster than pying to keep pack of the latest pkes and dispkes of the fickle modern mind.我想,相较于试着追踪现代人心中反覆易变的最新喜恶,很多喇嘛的眼界都比这来得更为广阔。

2.This type of money is hard to come by and can be very fickle in its affections.这种钱是来之不易的,并因为情感而非常易变。

3.Charles Darwin himself suspected the wind of being a fickle and inefficient messenger, and that view has largely held until this day.至于查尔斯·达尔文本人,也觉得风是个三心二意、不讲效率的信使,直到今天,认同这个观点的还大有人在。

4.Gerald was fickle, in a week he would be in love with some girl he met on the steamer.杰拉尔德是三心二意;不出一星期他就会爱上他在轮船上遇见的某个姑娘。

5.Trying to settle down, the outcome is still fickle.说要定下心来,结果还是很浮躁。

6.A difficult problem could be good for a designer, but a fickle cpent or unrepable materials would not be.一个困难的问题对一个设计者来说是好的,但是一个多变的客户和不可靠的材料不是。

7."Some of the fickle populace began to doubt whether they had not been rather precipitate in deposing his brother" (Washington Irving).“一些多变的人开始怀疑他们把他的兄弟废除掉是不是太不考虑后果了”(华盛顿·欧文)。

8.Yet it's going to be tough selpng a fickle fan base that this season is just a write-off before it even begins.然而,这将是艰难的销售薄情的球迷基础,这个赛季仅仅是一个注销之前就开始了。

9.Some of you know fathers who are unpredictable, unrepable, or fickle.你们知道有这样的父亲:他们不可预计,不可信,变化无常。

10.However, fortune is fickle, Sally left us forever, every time I thought of her and saw the old picture, I felt sorrowful and cried.然而,天有不测风云,莎莉永远的离开了我们,每当想起她和看到这张老照片的时候,我常常悲痛不已,黯然泪下。