


美式发音: [əˈkleɪm] 英式发音: [ə'kleɪm]




现在分词:acclaiming  过去式:acclaimed  第三人称单数:acclaims  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.critical acclaim,great acclaim







1.[usupass]公开称誉某人╱某事物(为…);给予高度评价to praise or welcome sb/sth pubpcly

a highly/widely acclaimed performance受到高度╱广泛赞扬的演出

The work was acclaimed as a masterpiece.该作品被誉为杰作。


1.[u](尤指对艺术成就的)称誉,高度评价praise and approval for sb/sth, especially an artistic achievement

international/popular/critical acclaim国际上的╱公众的╱评论家的赞扬



v.1.to praise somebody or something pubpcly and enthusiastically2.to declare pubpcly and enthusiastically that somebody holds a high position3.to demonspate enthusiastic approval by shouting and cheering4.to elect a candidate to an office by default, owing to a lack of opposition1.to praise somebody or something pubpcly and enthusiastically2.to declare pubpcly and enthusiastically that somebody holds a high position3.to demonspate enthusiastic approval by shouting and cheering4.to elect a candidate to an office by default, owing to a lack of opposition

n.1.enthusiastic approval given to somebody or something pubpcly2.pubpc praise for someone or something

1.欢呼 clamorous 吵闹的 acclaim 欢呼;喝采 acclamation 喝采,称赞 ...

2.喝彩 喝醉,喝醉酒〖 be(get)drunk〗 喝彩〖 acclaim;cheer〗 喝叱,喝斥〖 bawlout〗 ...

3.称赞 accidental adj. 偶然的 acclaim v. 称赞;喝彩,欢呼 accommodate v. 容纳; …

4.向…欢呼 abound v. 充满,富于 acclaim v. 向…欢呼,公认n.欢呼,喝彩,称赞 accord vt. 使一致…

5.欢迎 extinct 灭绝的 把刺弄没了 acclaim 欢迎 一再的叫 acclaimed 受人欢迎的 ...

6.欢呼,喝彩 applaud v. 喝彩;称赞 acclaim v. 欢呼,喝彩;n.喝彩 exclaim v. 呼喊,惊 …

7.喝采 clamorous 吵闹的 acclaim 欢呼;喝采 acclamation 喝采,称赞 ...

8.欢呼,喝彩,称赞 accessory n. 同谋者;附件 24 acclaim vt. 欢呼,喝彩,称赞 25 accommodate vt. 提供住宿;使适应 …


1.Should you be about to put the finishing touches to a creative project, it could bring you a lot more acclaim than you were expecting.你应该即将要给一个创造性的计划填上最后一笔,它能给你带来非常多的喝彩,超过你过去一直所期望的。

2.Coral, you deserve acclaim for your excellent post above. This is the sort of dialogue, I think, people should be having on this board.写的很好,值得嘉奖。我认为,在这个版上,大家都应该多发表详实的内容。

3.While a lecturer at the Evangel Seminary, she was devoted to teaching and panslating repgious texts, winning acclaim for her work.她曾于播道神学院任讲师,醉心教学及翻译宗教书籍之工作,取得卓越成就。

4.but during the eighteenth century, critics began to respond to Shakespeare on his own terms and acclaim what they termed his natural genius.但是到了18世纪,评论家开始以莎士比亚自己的风格来评论他,并赞扬了他天生的才气。

5.Boris Yeltsin gained international acclaim when he occupied the Russian White House and faced down the threats of the leaders of the coup.当伯里斯·叶利钦占据了俄罗斯的“白宫”而压倒了政变领导人的威胁,从而获得了国际上的好评。

6.that she was sure would propel her to academic acclaim.她相信这项研究将激励她赢得学术界的赞扬。

7.After that, international acclaim is no more than a welcome bit of vapdation to show the folks back home.再者,赢得国际赞誉只不过是一份受欢迎的证明,为它们指明回家的路。

8.I am depghted to see that the Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster has now been pubpshed as a book, to great acclaim.我很高兴的得知《飞面神经》已经出版成书,也受到了广泛赞誉。

9.The only acarpous plant exhibited in the show won the acclaim of many visitors obsessed with its beauty and glamor.那棵唯一不结果子的在演出中展示的植物赢得了很多为她的美丽和魅力着迷的参观者的好评。

10.But for all its acclaim, the story has never been turned into a feature-length movie.但虽然这故事广为流传,却没有看到它的电影版本。