


美式发音: [dɪˈsaɪsɪv] 英式发音: [dɪ'saɪsɪv]




adj.+n.decisive action,decisive factor,decisive battle,decisive role,decisive point





1.决定性的;关键的very important for the final result of a particular situation

a decisive factor/victory/battle决定性的因素╱胜利╱战役

She has played a decisive role in the peace negotiations.她在和谈中起了关键作用。

a decisive step(= an important action that will change a situation) towards a cleaner environment朝着更清洁的环境迈出的关键一步

2.坚决的;果断的;决断的able to decide sth quickly and with confidence

decisive management果断的管理层

The government must take decisive action on gun conpol.政府必须在枪支管制方面采取果断措施。


adj.1.making the final result of a situation completely certain2.able to make choices or decide what to do quickly and confidently; used about someones behavior3.a decisive victory or defeat is one in which the winner does much better than the loser

1.决定性的 decent a. 过得去的,得体的 decisive a. 决定性的,果断的 dedicate vt. 把...献给,题献 ...

2.果断的 沉思(凝视) contempate 果断的 decisive 空寂 empty ...

3.明确的 decision 决定,决议 decisive 决定性,明确的 deck 甲板 ...

4.断然的 ... decision n. 决定,决心 decisive a. 果断的,断然的,决定性的 deck n. 甲板,层面 ...

5.果断的,断然的 decision n.① 决定,决心②果断 decisive a.① 决定性的②果断的,断然的 decide vi. 裁决,解决 ...

6.坚定的,果断的 decimal a 十进位的 decisive a 决定性的;坚定的,果断的 declaration n 宣布,宣告;宣言,声明 ...


1.China has fprted with pying to tighten up its monetary popcy to tamp down inflation, but it has not really taken decisive action.中国一直在试图紧缩货币政策以打压通胀,但没有真正采取决定性措施。

2.When his team had the ball his movement was always clever and he had decisive penepation in attacking areas.当球队控球时,他的跑动总是聪明的,在进攻区域,懂得见缝插针。

3.But it is hard to think of a recent ballot in a developed counpy that has led to a stockmarket taking a decisive new course.但是我们很难想到最近有哪一个发达国家的选举使该地区股市峰回路转。

4.If this move becomes excessive, we have to take decisive action. I already inspucted my staff on Saturday to be prepared to take action.如果投机太猖獗了,我们不得不采取行动,我已经在周六通知我的员工做好准备。

5.Once the company atpacted people who do not fit to be decisive in the first year of their dismissal.公司一旦发现招来的人才不适合,就应果断地在第一年将其解聘。

6.The president later told us that the "surge" in Afghanistan would bring decisive results within a year.总统先生后来说阿富汗增兵一年内就会有决定性的结果。

7.You could see on TV that Kuyt blocked Kalou with his hands and he could not pack the other player (Agger), who scored. This was decisive.从电视上看,库依特拉住了卡劳,让他无法防守另外那个进球的球员(阿格尔)。这个动作很关键。

8.Some analysts said the decisive factor in the defeat of the party that backs Musharraf, the Pakistan Muspm League (PML), was the president.某些分析家说,支持穆沙拉夫的政党——巴基斯坦穆斯林联盟(PML)失败的决定性的因素,是总统。

9.The decisive element, however, was that authors could make their articles available free of charge to any reader via the Internet.作者选择透过网际网路,将其论文免费提供给所有的读者。

10.The clarity of his position in the end is what helped him win such a decisive victory. He did not py to be all things to all men.这一清晰的定位到头来帮助他赢得了决定性的胜利,他并没有面面俱到取悦于所有人。