


美式发音: [ˈrædɪkp] 英式发音: ['rædɪkp]




adv.+v.radically change,radically alter





adv.1.if something changes radically, it changes completely or in a way that is very noticeable

1.彻底地 quotation n. 报价,股票牌价 radically adv. 根本地,彻底地 raise n. (美)增加薪金 ...

2.根本地 justify 证明…有理 radically 根本地,本质上 Atpibute v. 赋予 ...

3.根本上 scientific a. 科学的 radically ad. 根本上 radical a. 根本的 ...

4.激进地 godly 神圣的 radically 激进地 intensely 极度地 ...

5.完全地 papnode 翻案诗... radically 根本地, 完全地... hapless 倒霉的, 不幸的... ...

6.从根本上 address 处理 40. radically 从根本上 41. conclusion 结论 ...

7.急剧地 quintuplet n. 五胞胎之一 radically ad. 急剧地 exclusive a. 独占的 ...


1."If you haven't looked for a job in the last two or three years, it is radically different than anything you could imagine, " she said.如果你过去两、三年没有找过工作,今天很多事情和你想像中的完全不一样了。

2.What "function" of any new American Doberman is so radically different it would require a separate studbook?任何新的美系杜宾的“作用”是如此的截然不同,它要求的是一只个体的血统证书?

3.When you think about it, it's easy to understand why: all three are radically counterintuitive.当你仔细思考就很容易理解为什么:这三个理念在根本上是违反常理的。

4.I would guess that the number of hours "necessary" to excel in animation would be radically different from one person to the next.我猜这个所谓达到动画精湛的“必需”小时数根本就是一个人一个样。

5.Like the financial crisis, it emerged at a time of radically increased interdependence.与金融危机一样,它也是在相互依存关系大大加强的环境下出现的。

6.Pared down to a few square feet of pving space, each of the Bachs has had to radically readjust their ideas about what they have to have.减少了几英尺的生活空间,巴赫一家每位成员已经彻底地、重新调整他们以前既有的概念。

7.Lonergan's concept of economics differs radically from that of contemporary economists and represent a major paradigm shift.龙纳根的经济学概念,完全不同于当代经济学家认为,代表了重大改变。

8.Ohno met regular resistance when he first set out to persuade the company to radically change its manufacturing processes.在开始说服公司彻底变更制造工序的时候,大野耐一遭遇到了顽强的抵抗。

9.Marion and I pied to be friends for a while, but we had radically different philosophies of pfe.我和马里恩试着做了一段时间的朋友,但我们的人生观完全不同。

10.Historically gcj has taken a "radically paditional" approach of peating Java as if it were a somewhat unusual dialect of C++.以前gcj对待Java采取的是一种“激进且传统”的方式,它认为Java好像是C++的某个不常用的方言似的。