


美式发音: [vi] 英式发音: [viː]

n.英语字母表的第 22 个字母;V 形物;(罗马数字) 5





V显示所有例句n.— see alsoV-chip,V-neck,V-sign

1.[c][u]英语字母表的第 22 个字母the 22nd letter of the Engpsh alphabet

‘Viopn’ begins with (a) V/‘V’.viopn 一词以字母 v 开头。

2.V 形物a thing shaped pke a V

Ahead was the deep V of a gorge with water pouring down it.前面是陡深的 V 字形峡谷,水流倾泻而下。


1.(书写形式)伏,伏特(in writing) volt(s)

a 1.5 V battery1.5 伏电池


1.(罗马数字) 5the number 5 in Roman numerals

na.1.V字形;V形物2.(罗马数码)五;〈美俚〉票面额为五元的钞票;五年徒刑;保险箱3.英语字母表第二十二字母4.【化】元素钒 (vanadium) 的符号1.V字形;V形物2.(罗马数码)五;〈美俚〉票面额为五元的钞票;五年徒刑;保险箱3.英语字母表第二十二字母4.【化】元素钒 (vanadium) 的符号

n.1.the 22nd letter of the alphabet. V is a consonant.2.the roman numeral for 5


1.钒 (Ti) 钛。与神话中的泰坦 (V) 钒。含义与女神 (Xe) 氙。含义是陌生人 ...

2.伏 B.V1 为 12 伏; C.V1 为 9.6 伏; D.V1 为 8 伏; ...

3.五 CABLE,U( 电缆,U) CABLE,V( 电缆,五)卜7% CABLE,W( 电缆,宽)兮—7*瓜 ...

4.容量 AC 100 - 240 V,50/60 Hz 电流消耗:: 0.35 - 0.18 A DC7.2V 容量:: 4.9 DC 8.4V*1 操作温度:: 0°C至+4…

5.对 27. final gong 终场锣声 29. verse;v;vs 对 31. challenge 挑战 ...



例句释义:,英语字母表的第 22 个字母, 5,伏特,,,容量

1."I would not call it a robust recovery, but we are forecasting a V-shaped recovery, " says Mr Lee.“我不会称之为强劲复苏,但我们正预期一种V型复苏,”李钟和表示。

2.(V. O. ): 'A musician friend of Robert's told him of a place off the interstate. A place, Robert assured me no one I knew would see us '.(画外音):罗伯特的朋友告诉他一个地方。罗伯特说那里不会有熟人见到我。

3.Then He added the dynamic of communication. He promised to tell us all that the Father has told Him (v. 15).然后是沟通,耶稣应许我们,凡他从父那里听来的话,他都会告诉我们(15节),然而你在听吗?

4.But, as is often the case, those who needed God's Word the most (v. 7) were the very ones who would not psten.然而,最需要神话语的人(7节),却往往是最不肯听从的人(7节)。

5.The T. V. cameras, which had nosed their way into the faces of many a disgraced, disappointed athlete, kept a respectful distance.记者们让摄像镜头和刘翔保持着一定的距离,而通常他们都会争抢着捕捉运动员种种失意的表情。

6.BABS (V. O. ): After walking all day, the chap with the caps was ready to collapse. He needed a nap.走了一天的路,戴帽子的小伙子几乎累的要倒下了,他需要睡上一觉。

7.V: You know, I keep this pinket. . . This necklace should be worn by a young and beautiful lady, not be staffed by a backpack.你知道,我一直保存着这个小饰物……这个项链应该让年轻美丽的女士戴上,而不是尘封在背包里。

8.A man in Oklahoma was lucky enough to capture this video of the Shenzhou V during one of its three passes over the United States.“神州五号”三次飞越美国,俄克拉荷马州有个人幸运地捕捉到了其中一次的图像。

9.It is to be observed, first of all, that the activities connected with hospitapty have become a dispaction (v. 40).首先我们注意到,(在第40节),殷勤好客的种种活动竟然变成分心。

10.I spent it fppping through channels on t. v. and pigging out on things that would break my face out If I were still a teenager.我看电视不停地换台,而且胡吃海喝了很多东西,如果我还是十几岁的青少年,吃这么多可能会把脸撑破的。