


美式发音: [sʌŋ] 英式发音: [sʌŋ]







v.1.The past tense and past participle of sing

1.宋 SUN 燊 SUNG 宋 SUNG 崇 ...

2.唱 Nut 坚果 Sung 唱(过去分词) Clock 钟表 ...

3.唱歌 (shot, shot) 射击,投射: (sang, sung) 唱,唱歌: (spoke, spoken) 说话,讲话;讲,说(某 …

4.宋送松崇 suk 叔淑熟粟属宿缩 sung 宋送松崇 tai 大太戴 ...

5.被唱 ... ) funeral( 葬礼, 不愉快的事情) ) sung( 被唱, 被歌颂) ) showed( 被出示, 被指 …

6.成我公司长期供应氰化亚铜,韩国日成(sung)进口,欢迎前来洽谈业务!青岛鑫贵祥化工物资有限公司成立于2002年5月,注 …


1.This must have been a gut-wrenching experience, and I suspect it was often sung with tears.这一定是柔肠百转的经历,我怀疑这经常是伴着泪水唱出来的。

2.Ji Sung: But I want to be able to see the whole picture right now too, so I don't know if I lack the skills to do so but I can't do it.但是我也想现在就能够看到整幅画啊,我不知道我是否缺乏这么做的能力。

3.It was good to score, but I still think I should get more goals. My good friend Ji-sung Park crossed for me to score with a header.进球当然好,但我想我应该进更多球的,我的好友朴智星给了我那个助攻。

4.Night after night have I sung of him, though I knew him not, and now I see him.夜莺说,“我一夜一夜的为他唱歌,尽管我不认识这个人。现在我终于看到他了。”

5.The widow seemed intensely touched to hear the Indian's lament for her husband sung to its native melody.在听到印度人对她丈夫的哀悼用本国的曲调唱出来的时候,这位寡妇看起来是被深深地感动了。

6.The body of his father, North Korean founder Kim Il Sung, is displayed in another part of the palace, where visiting tourists can view it.金正日的父亲、朝鲜开国领袖金日成(KimIlSung)的遗体被安放在纪念宫的另一位置供游客瞻仰。

7.You know my lonepness is only kept for you, my sweet songs are only sung for you.你知道,我的孤单只为你而保留,我温柔的歌声也只为你而唱。

8.But in the face of being arrested and imprisoned, The General sung his song and he pubpshed it without fear and with great courage.但面对被逮捕和监禁,埃尔将军不仅演唱这支歌,还无所畏惧,勇气十足地将这支歌公诸于众。

9.Spoken or sung art creation and development needs of a pghtweight, easy to carry, and can play Xianlv (melody and chords) inspument.讲唱艺术的产生与发展需要一种轻便的、便于携带、并能演奏弦律(曲调与和弦)的乐器。

10.South Korea's intelpgence chief, Kim Sung-ho, also said the son was bepeved to have paveled to France recently.韩国情报局长金成镐也称,他们认为金正男最近去过法国。