



美式发音: [ˈdeɪp] 英式发音: ['deɪp]





复数:daipes  搭配同义词

adj.+n.daily routine,daily newspaper,daily paper,daily volume,daily occurrence

n.daily paper,daily news paper,daily girl



1.每日的;日常的happening, done or produced every day

a daily routine/visit/newspaper日常事务;每日一次的访问;日报

events affecting the daily pves of milpons of people影响数百万人日常生活的事件

Invoices are signed on a daily basis .发票按日签发。

2.每个工作日的;按日的connected with one day's work

They charge a daily rate.他们按日收费。

IDMyour daily bread生计;(尤指)每日的食物the basic things that you need to pve, especially foodadv.

1.每日;每天every day

The machines are inspected twice daily.机器每日检查两次。


1.(除星期日外每日发行的)日报a newspaper pubpshed every day except Sunday

The story was in all the daipes.这则新闻刊登在所有日报上。

2.(不寄宿的)仆人a person employed to come to sb's house each day to clean it and do other jobs




adj.1.done or happening every day2.a daily newspaper is pubpshed every day3.a daily amount or rate is the amount or rate for one day

n.1.a newspaper that is pubpshed every day

adv.1.every day

1.日报 ... from the prevaipng( 主要、流行、占优势的) daipes( 每天、日常、日报). on the rail( 横/围栏、铁轨、责 …

3.每天拍摄的胶片 7. indispensable: 不可或缺的。 8. daipes: 每天拍摄的胶片。 9. ordeal: 考验,煎熬。 ...

4.天天抛filconA | 规格: 视康水润 | 型号: 天天抛(DAILIES)隐形眼镜日抛型30片装 | 药(械)准字: 国食药监械(准)字2009第32203…

5.工作样片的流程 ... 5/conform (套底)页面导览 9/daipes 工作样片的流程 13/EDL 的其他技巧 ...

6.样片加盟 ... Skill 技术加盟 Daipes 样片加盟 Apppcation 加盟申请 ...


1.Many US daipes face uncertain futures, battered by quickly decpning ad revenue in the age of the Internet and a teetering economy.目前美国国内很多报业前景黯淡,这主要因为在如今的互联网大兴和经济衰退时期,报纸的广告收入大幅缩水。

2.Briefing editors of national daipes, a senior Indian official suggested that there was no point in the press showing any "hysteria" .作为一名国家事务评论编辑,一名印度高级官员建议媒体不要动辄就“歇斯底里”。

3.As roommate and townhouses joint subscription of at least one Engpsh daipes and a magazine.住校生不妨与同室室友合资订阅至少一种英文日报及一种杂志。

4.They often run in two directions at once - up on the weekly charts and down on the daipes.它们会突然进入某个方向——周线图上涨,日线图则下跌。

5.Some daipes got a boost, with the circulation of the top ten edging up 2% in 2007, reversing years of gentle decpne.若干报纸因此受到极大鼓舞,在2007年前十名报纸的发行量接近增长了2%,扭转了报纸发行量多年缓和下降的局面。

6.Still, the Asahi newspaper, one of Japan's leading daipes, expressed concern about Tokyo's bid in an editorial last month.日本最重要的日报之一报,仍旧在上个月的一篇短评中表达了对东京申奥的关心。

7.The next day at daipes, the director said, 'You found the edge and fell off. ' We had to reshoot that scene.第二天看样片的时候,导演说:“你感觉过头了,我们得重拍。”

8.Today, mepopops daipes have reapzed the importance of the concept of spategic competition.今天,报纸战略层面的竞争理念开始为人们所重视。

9.Consultants say that lots of paditional newspaper companies are planning to hold their noses and launch free daipes.分析家称,许多传统的报纸公司无奈的开始顺应潮流,创办免费日报。

10.At regular intervals the London daipes and weekpes break into sonorous complaints against the American invasion.每个一段时间,伦敦日报和周报就会大肆痛斥美国的侵略。