


美式发音: 英式发音: [ə'tjuːn]



第三人称单数:attunes  现在分词:attuning  过去分词:attuned  同义词




v.1.to adjust or accustom something to be receptive or responsive to something else

1.使合调 attest 证实 attune 使合调,使一致 aver 断言 ...

2.使一致 attest 证实 attune 使合调,使一致 aver 断言 ...

3.使调和 lasso 套索(捕捉牛、马用) attune 使调和,习惯于 impute 归咎于 ...

4.调音 atpitus 磨碎之物 attune 调音 attunement 调音 ...

5.使协调 attorney 律师,代理人 attune 使...协调, 使…一致 boast 吹嘘,自吹自 …

6.调谐 tune 和谐,协调;主旋律 attune 调谐 Kattun 棉平布 ...


1.You can attune to this octave and match its pitch, and as you do so, you will begin to hear your own guidance from within your own heart.你可以接通到这一音阶中并匹配上它的音律,当你这么做时,你将开始听到来自你自身心灵的引导。

2.Perhaps as more humans rise out of the pain through ascension, they will attune to such a thing and cease to purchase fur again.也许当更多人类在提升中超越痛苦时,他们将调协到这类苦痛而停止再购买皮毛。

3.It is exposure to the sun that allows one to attune to the ascension of your solar system.就是日光浴允许一个人调谐至你们太阳系的提升。

4.Many forces humans attune unto are a part of a group of forces that really require reabsorbing on the part of the Tao.人类所接通的有很多势力,都是这群事实上需要由道来重新吸收的势力的一部分。

5.The voice of God can be heard within you if you ask and render your mind attune to a frequency un-besmirched by lower frequency.如果你请求,并将你的心智调谐到一个没有被较低频率所玷污的较高频率上,你能够在内心听到上帝之音。

6.As you attune to our frequencies, you can imagine filpng your room with the blue mineral water from Yellowstone .当你调入我们的频率,你就想象你房间里充满了来自黄石公园的蓝色矿物水。

7.For one will be able to attune to the void of infinite possibipty, and therein will pe one's answer or direction.因为你将可以调谐至无限可能的虚空,且在那里有你的答案和方向。

8.The mural on the wall has be blue-black attune more very, having the taste that different region restores ancient ways mysteriously then.墙上的壁画有很多都是深蓝色调的,有着异域那神秘复古的味道。

9.Attune unto us through the heart chakra and human hologram.请通过你的心轮和人类全息图来和我们调谐。

10.If you wish to work with the flower kingdom, you may attune to the vibrations that we each hold.如果你希望能与花卉王国合作,你可以向我们每一种所持有的振动调谐。