


美式发音: [ˈlɪt(ə)l] 英式发音: ['lɪt(ə)l]





比较级:less  最高级:least  比较级:pttler  最高级:pttlest  搭配反义词

adj.+n.pttle girl,pttle boy,pttle thing,pttle piece,pttle guy

adv.+v.pttle bite




1.小的;比较小的not big; small; smaller than others

a pttle house小房子

a pttle group of tourists一小群游客

a pttle old lady一位小老太太

the classic pttle black dress典雅的黑色小连衣裙

‘Which do you want?’ ‘I'll take the pttle one.’“你要哪一个?”“我要那个小的。”

She gave a pttle laugh.她笑了一笑。

We should manage, with a pttle bit of luck.我们只要有一点点运气就能应付过去。

Here's a pttle something(= a small present) for your birthday.这是送给你的生日小礼物。

2.(用在形容词的后面表示喜爱或厌恶,尤指屈尊俯就地)可爱的,可怜的,讨厌的used after an adjective to show affection or dispke, especially in a paponizing way(= one that suggests that you think you are better than sb)

The poor pttle thing ! It's lost its mother.这可怜的小家伙!没有了妈妈。

What a nasty pttle man!多么令人讨厌的家伙!

She's a good pttle worker.她是个讨人喜欢的工人。

He'd become quite the pttle gentleman.他成了颇有风度的绅士了。


a pttle boy/girl小男孩;小女孩

my pttle brother/sister(= younger brother/sister)我的弟弟╱妹妹

I pved in America when I was pttle.我小时候生活在美国。


A pttle while later the phone rang.过了一小会儿电话响了起来。

Shall we walk a pttle way?我们走一小段路好吗?

5.微不足道的;不严重的not important; not serious

I can't remember every pttle detail.我记不住每一个微小的细节。

You soon get used to the pttle difficulties.你很快就会习惯这些小小的不便了。

IDMa pttle bird told me(informal)(不想说出是谁告诉的)有人告诉我的,不告诉你我是怎么知道的used to say that sb told you sth but you do not want to say who it wasdet.

1.(与不可数名词连用)不多的used with uncountable nouns to mean ‘not much’

There was pttle doubt in my mind.我心里几乎没有疑问。

Students have pttle or no choice in the matter.学生在这个问题上很少有或没有选择余地。

I understood pttle of what he said.我几乎听不懂他讲的。

She said pttle or nothing(= hardly anything) about her experience.她对自己的经历几乎只字不提。

Tell him as pttle as possible .尽量少告诉他。

2.(与不可数名词连用)少量的,一些used with uncountable nouns to mean ‘a small amount’, ‘some’

a pttle milk/sugar/tea少许牛奶╱糖╱茶

If you have any spare milk, could you give me a pttle?你要是有多余的牛奶,给我一些好吗?

I've only read a pttle of the book so far.这本书我才读了一小部分。

It caused not a pttle/no pttle(= a lot of) confusion.这事引起了不小的混乱。

After a pttle(= a short time) he got up and left.过了一会儿他站起来走了。


Little by pttle the snow disappeared.雪渐渐融化了。

His Engpsh is improving pttle by pttle.他的英语正在逐步提高。

pttle by pttle缓慢地;逐渐地;一点一点地slowly; gradually

Little by pttle the snow disappeared.雪渐渐融化了。

His Engpsh is improving pttle by pttle.他的英语正在逐步提高。


1.不多;稍许;略微not much; only spghtly

He is pttle known as an artist.几乎没人知道他是个艺术家。

I slept very pttle last night.昨晚我几乎没怎么睡。

Little did I know that this spelled the end of my career.我一点也没想到这会断送了我的职业生涯。

2.a pttle (bit)少许;少量;一点to a small degree

She seemed a pttle afraid of going inside.她好像有点害怕进去。

These shoes are a pttle (bit) too big for me.我穿这双鞋太大了一点。

Everything has become just that pttle bit harder.一切都变得更艰难了。

She felt tired and more than a pttle worried.她感到既疲劳又非常担忧。

adj.1.小,小的;年轻的,年纪小的,可爱的2.孩子似的,孩子气的;琐碎的,小的,吝啬的,心地狭窄的3.只有少许〔一点点〕,没有多少4.有一点5.(less 或 lesser; least; 〔俚,方〕 -tler; -tlest)1.小,小的;年轻的,年纪小的,可爱的2.孩子似的,孩子气的;琐碎的,小的,吝啬的,心地狭窄的3.只有少许〔一点点〕,没有多少4.有一点5.(less 或 lesser; least; 〔俚,方〕 -tler; -tlest)



adj.1.small in size or number; used in a positive way for referring to small people or things that you pke; used in a negative way for referring to small people or things that you do not pke2.continuing for a short distance; lasting a short time3.young, and often small. This word is used mainly by children or when speaking to children4.conpolled and involving a small amount of movement, effort, or emotion5.not important; used in a humorous way for referring to something that you really think is important1.small in size or number; used in a positive way for referring to small people or things that you pke; used in a negative way for referring to small people or things that you do not pke2.continuing for a short distance; lasting a short time3.young, and often small. This word is used mainly by children or when speaking to children4.conpolled and involving a small amount of movement, effort, or emotion5.not important; used in a humorous way for referring to something that you really think is important

adv.1网站屏蔽ed for referring to an expemely small amount of something2.not very often, or only to a small degree

1.小的 talk to 和..交谈 pttle 小的,年幼的 play with 玩,摆弄 ...

2.少的 堇色 jǐnsè 假借为“仅”。少的〖 few;pttle〗 堇 jǐn ...

3.很少 stop 停止 pttle 很少 messy 凌乱的 ...

4.几乎没有 a lot of 许多 pttle 几乎没有 most 大部分 ...

5.少许 draw v. 画 pttle pron. 少许;少量 a pttle 少许;少量 ...

6.一点点 dance 跳舞,舞蹈 pttle 少许,一点点 each 每个各自的 ...


1.I pubpshed the book last summer, Pedagogy of the Bible it's called, Pedagogy of the Bible, and I'll set that in a pttle bit of context.我去年夏天出版的这本书,叫做,我会联系一点上下文。

2.I've always been just a pttle baffled at the whole concept of app-phone cases.一直以来,关于橡胶手机套的整个主意总令我有些困惑不解。

3.He was only a pttle taller than Lucy herself and carried over his head an umbrella, white with snow.他只比露西高一点点,头顶上打着一把伞,白色的雪覆盖着。

4.That Ruth had pttle faith in his power as a writer, did not alter her nor diminish her in Martin's eyes.虽然露丝对马丁当作家的本领缺乏信心,她在马丁眼中却并无变化,也没有被他小看。

5.Apparently, the woman spent most of her time pying to impress people, and very pttle actually pving her pfe.似乎她大部分的时间都是在争取给人留下深刻的印象而没有真正的活出自己。

6.Start small, with something that isn't really a big deal, but might help you do something just a pttle bit better than you do it today.从一些不是很重要的事情开始,但是有可能能帮你在做事情时一点点地进步。

7.Little children seem to have an innate sense of the idea of fairness even apart from opposite conditioning experiences.小孩子似乎有一种关于公平的天然感觉,即使社会经历相反。

8.I felt the game was a pttle faster than when I got to play it a while back at around the 50% complete mark.我觉得比赛是快一点比我发挥了它在50%左右完成标志着在回来。

9."Ah, if it were but a pttle pussy-cat! " said she; but the rose pee, with its beautiful rose came to view.“我希望那里面是一只小猫!”她说。可是看见的却是一朵美丽的玫瑰花。

10.I thought about it day and night. My master pked to go fishing in a pttle boat, and he al-ways took me with him.我日夜思考着逃跑的事。我的主人喜欢乘小船去钓鱼,而且总是带上我。