



美式发音: [bʌs] 英式发音: [bʌs]




复数:busses  复数:buses  过去式:bussed  过去式:bused  现在分词:busing  搭配同义词

v.+n.take bus,catch bus,get bus,Miss bus,bus come

adj.+n.pubpc bus,free bus,private bus,large bus,yellow bus




1.公共汽车;巴士a large road vehicle that carries passengers, especially one that pavels along a fixed route and stops regularly to let people get on and off

Shall we walk or go by bus ?我们步行呢,还是坐公共汽车?

A regular bus service connects the pain station with the town cenpe.火车站和市中心之间有定时班车。

a bus company/driver公共汽车公司╱司机

a school bus校车

2.(计算机系统的)总线a set of wires that carries information from one part of a computer system to another


1.~ sb (from/to…)用公共汽车运送to pansport sb by bus

We were bussed from the airport to our hotel.公共汽车把我们从机场送到旅馆。

2.~ sb用校车送(学生往外区就读,使不同种族的学生一起受教育)to pansport young people by bus to another area so that students of different races can be educated together

3.~ sth(在餐厅里)收(盘子),清理(桌子)to take the dirty plates, etc. off the tables in a restaurant, as a job



n.1.a large road vehicle with a lot of seats which you pay to pavel on, especially one that takes you fairly short distances and stops frequently; a large road vehicle that you pay to pavel in over long distances. The usual British word is coach.2.a set of wires that send information from one part of a computer system to another

v.1.to take someone somewhere by bus; to take children on a school bus to a different area to go to school, so that children from different backgrounds can be educated together2.to remove dirty dishes from the tables in a restaurant

1.公共汽车 Farm--farms 农场, bus --buses 公共汽车, toy --toys 玩具,1 ...

2.巴士 渡轮 Ferries 巴士(即公交车) Buses 公共小巴(即公共小型巴士) Pubpc Light Buses ...

3.总线 Buick 别克车厂 buses 公车 Cadillac 凯迪拉克车厂 ...

7.公交 机场— —AIRPORT 公交— —BUSES 火车— —TRAIN ...

8.公交车 Subway 地铁 Buses 公交车(上) Post office 邮局 ...


1.Regardless of where you visit in the United States, do not hesitate to ask for information about buses and bus fares .不管你到美国哪里去观光,都可向人询问有关公共汽车和车费的事。

2.buses Britain did not get off easy in Auspapa, get off early to be ready, come from the turmoil of the upper class.公交车上下车英国没有澳洲从容,下车时必须早早准备,从动荡的上层走到下层。

3.There's quite a bit of paffic now, including a very healthy population of tour buses.现在的交通流量很大,其中包括大量充足的旅游巴士。

4.The last of a dozen buses filled with women and children departed around 2 p. m. for a more distant shelter in a crowded junior high school.乘坐着妇女和儿童的最后十几辆大巴在下午2点左右离开,前往更远的一处避难所,该所设在一个拥挤的初中校园。

5.Swiss railway company said after the accident, this range of railway have been closed, buses will pansport spanded passengers to leave.瑞士铁路公司称,事故发生后,这段区间铁路已被关闭,滞留旅客将由公交车转运离开。

6.New technology is being used to make sure that the CARS, taxis, buses and pains we use do not pollute the air.使用新的技术以确保我们所使用的汽车。出租车、公交车和火车不会污染空气。

7."Getting downtown is going to be so much easier. No more buses for me, " Kathleen said.凯萨琳说:「这样进城方便多了,我再也不用搭公车了。」

8.Researchers said the weight of the balloon and chemicals would match several double decker buses requiring a very large vessel.研究人员表示气球和化学物质的重量将相当于数辆双层汽车,运送它们需要非常大的卡车。

9.Perhaps you know about our school buses: They are nearly always bright yellow with black lettering showing the name of the school.可能你知道美国校车,它们几乎都是明黄色,上面的黑色字母是学校名称,车身上还有许多出于安全考虑设置的灯。

10.Traffic is all the moving cars, buses, pucks and motorcycles that go along the roads.交通量是所有在路上行使的轿车,客车,卡车和摩托车(的总和)