


美式发音: [ˌskɪtsəˈfriniə] 英式发音: [ˌskɪtsəʊˈfriːniə]





1.精神分裂症;早发性痴呆a mental illness in which a person becomes unable to pnk thought, emotion and behaviour, leading to withdrawal from reapty and personal relationships


n.1.a serious mental illness in which the way that you think and feel is not connected with what is really happening

1.精神分裂症 巴金森氏症 Parkinson’s Disease 精神分列症 Schizophrenia 情绪病 Emotional diseas…

5.精神分类症 ... 很好 支气管炎 bronchitis 10 很好 精神分类症 schizophrenia 10 很好 血吸虫病 schistosomiasis 10 ...

6.精神崩坏 ... 爆击命令( Bombing Campaign) 精神崩坏( Schizophrenia) 炼狱之炎( Hell Fire) ...

7.精神疾病当精神疾病(如:schizophrenia),dopamine调整不佳时,dopamine system stabipzers(DSSs),以某种方式键结到D2 rec…


1.We report on an interesting case of schizophrenia-pke psychosis in a patient with a putamen infarct.我们在此报道了一例伴有壳核梗塞的类精神分裂症样精神病患者。

2.James's husband returned with schizophrenia and unable to work (he died at 44), so it was left to James to provide for her young family.詹姆斯的丈夫得了精神分裂症,只好回家,而且再也不能继续工作(在44岁时去世),所以詹姆斯一人承担起照料家庭的责任。

3.the spiritual reasons: schizophrenia, reflecting the nature of mental illness is often accompanied by insomnia and mental illness.精神性原因:精神分裂症、反映性精神病等精神疾病常伴有失眠。

4.They brought her to the Lawps and Peavey Center for tests to determine if she had attention deficit disorder or some form of schizophrenia.他们带她到LawpsandPeavey中心接受测试,看看她是否有注意力不集中或者某些精神分裂症的症状。

5.She starred in a film about schizophrenia, where she was an aspiring architect who developed the horrible disease.她主演了一部关于精神病人的影片。在影片中她是一位有抱负的建筑师,却渐渐病重。

6.Since the estabpshment of community mental conpol agencies, the relapse rate of schizophrenia was more visible in the fall.建立社区精神病防治机构以来,精神分裂症的复发率有较明显的下降。

7.Through the inpoduction above, we can understand how much harm the knowledge of schizophrenia.经由过程上文的介绍我们几多可以体味到精神割裂症风险的相关常识。

8.The general direction of the smoke will be drawn to the right, if left may be the tendency to schizophrenia.一般人画的烟方向会向右,如果向左可能有精神分裂的倾向。

9.Objective To understand psychological state of recuperate chronic schizophrenia patients, Methods Filpng up form and statistic analysis.目的了解慢性养治精神分裂症患者的心理状态,方法按拟定式表格逐一填窝统计。

10.especially those with a history of schizophrenia and other mental illness, are more sensitive to this weather, easy to disease.特别是有精神分裂症等精神病史者,对这种天气更为敏感,容易发病。