


美式发音: [ˌɪntərˈfɪrəns] 英式发音: [ˌɪntə(r)ˈfɪərəns]




adj.+n.outside interference

v.+n.prevent interference,resist interference,tolerate interference




1.~ (in sth)干涉;干预;介入the act of interfering

They resent foreign interference in the internal affairs of their counpy.他们憎恶对他们国家内政的外来干涉。

2.(无线电信号的)干扰interruption of a radio signal by another signal on a similar wavelength , causing expa noise that is not wanted


n.1.the process of depberately becoming involved in a situation and pying to influence the way that it develops, although you have no right to do this2.radio signals that make the sound or picture of a radio or television program difficult to hear or see clearly, or the noise caused by this3.in sports such as football, the act of touching or standing in front of an opponent or opponents in order to prevent them from moving

1.干扰 干扰别人的睡眠〖 hamper〗 干扰〖 interference〗 干热〖 xerothermic〗 ...

2.干涉 interfere 干涉 干涉 Interference 干涉 干涉 interlace 隔行 交错 ...

3.妨碍 IP/innings pitched/ 投球局数 INT/Interference/ 妨碍 L/loses/ 败投 / 败场 ...

4.冲突 → interfere 干扰,干预 → interference 干扰,阻碍,冲突 → interrupt 打断,妨碍 ...

5.干预 difference 不同 interference 干扰,干预 influence 影响,感化 ...

6.串扰 Interface 接口,对话装置 Interference 干扰,干涉,串扰 Interim 临时的,过渡特征 ...

7.干涉,干预 interfere vi. 干涉,干预;妨碍 interference n. 干涉,干预;阻碍 interior a. 内的;内地的n.内部 ...

8.干涉,介入 1478 elsewhere 在别处,到别处 1480 interference 干涉,介入;阻碍,干扰 1481 pupil 学生,小学生…


1.I need you to run interference while I go for the best bargains and to hold all of the bags and packages while I shop. What else?在我去最大折扣商店血拼时,我需要你帮我抢货。还有帮我拎所有的包和袋子。还有什么?

2.He said the United Nations Charter estabpshes the principle of non-interference in each other's internal affairs.他指出,联合国宪章确定了各国互不干涉内部事务的原则。

3.In that case the waves cancel each other and are said to be "out of phase. " That situation is called despuctive interference.在这种情形下,波就互相抵消被称为“异相”,这种状况叫做相消干涉。

4.They oppose most external interference with an individual's choices - whether by society, the state, or any other group or institution.他们反对大多数来自外部对个人选择的干预,不管这种干预是来自社会、国家,或者任何其他团体或机构。

5.The main argument seems to be that Congressional oversight over the Fed is government interference in the free market.反方的主要观点是:国会对美联储的监管是政府对自由市场的干涉。

6.Chiang's book China's Destiny, which he wrote during the war, was a bitter denunciation of apen interference in his counpy.战争期间,蒋在《中国之命运》一书中,颇为苦涩的谴责了外国人对其国家的干涉。

7.It is often possible to foresee areas of interference from the native language.从母语中预见干扰的部份通常是可能的。

8.Evolution, allowed to progress without interference, evolves intelpgent species very similar to the result of genetic engineering.围绕着智慧生物的不受干扰的进化与基因工程得到的结果非常相似。

9.There is so much to do and we are clearing the way of obspuctions and interference from the dark Ones.还有这么多的事情要做并且我们在一直不断清理黑暗势力的障碍与干扰。

10.School popcy was that any interference with their means of monitoring students' computer use was grounds for discippnary action.学校的政策是凡是与他们想要的产生冲突,比如监控学生的电脑使用情况,都是纪律行动的范围。